Saturday, October 23, 2004


Aiyah... Out of simply "got nothing better to do", I went on to create a new blog at Blogger. And so, TA DAH! - Here I am. I just decided tt I shall include Steffie Sunnie in my family of singers that I really like... Along & together with S.H.E (particularly HEBE) & DBSK (especially MAX). Heeheehee!!! ^.^

At first didn't think too much of her new songs... Though they DO sound nice.
Whatever lar. Now I shall officially proclaim tt I like ALL her new songs, 'K?... It's like my body woke up suddenly when I heard MAN MAN LAI... Omg I love songs that make me feel energetic! YEAH! (:

Nice sia~She's going to fall victim also... Now that I have decided that I shall like her. bWaHaHa! Really leh, like all her new songs... WO3 De1 Ai4, Wo3 Ye3 Hen3 Xiang3 Ta1 (try reading all the di4 san1 sheng1s... :P), Ben1, Tong2 Lei4... And MAN4 MAN4 LAI2!!! Heeheehee!!!

Mayday new album seems really cool too. ^.^

I simply knew that I am going to LOVE... It after exams! Loads of exciting music coming up! And add that to videogames! And SIMS 2! And others!!! (: OMG huo2 zhe1 zhen1 hao3!!! SKY arh~~~

Guess that's abt all. Dun miss me! (:


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