Monday, October 25, 2004

The World Is Complete~ :D

Today is one of the TRULY happiest days I've ever had this year. (:
Oh man life rocks!!! (SKY arh, first time I typed this.)

Yes. Firstly S.H.E's new song shou3 bo1 is the MAJOR CONTRIBUTING FACTOR. It's one of those songs that simply gets better and better with every listen lor...!!! Omg... It actually sounds REALLY nice leh. Therefore my conclusion is that... S.H.E qing1 chang4 not nice, HAHAHA!!!

It's like their voices simply *JUMP OUT*, OK!?
And I *DO* think they captured the emotions really well... No wonder their producer could get so TOUCHED until she CRIED when she heard this song... OMG~~~Obviously the producer is a female lar, HEEHEEHEE.

For once I was bouncing into cls today leh! And I greeted pple back enthu-ly instead of the usual - One glance, then ignorance~HAHAHA!!!

Omg... And DL rocks lor! Can't stand our super significant MSG improvement for A Maths~Wahz, loves DL more than ever from today. Heeheehee!!!

Anyways, on a personal note, I feel so proud of myself. I want to thank my ancestors my parents my friends my "partners" (Hebe Won Bin Max BoA Yanzi) and my whatevers~And ultimately MYSELF~~~Heeheehee!!! Love myself more than ever, too. Omg!!! It's like... SKY arh~~~I think I jumped ALL THE WAY from F9 to A1 for A Maths lor... 34/100 is F9 right...? Hmms, whatever~

It's like, really lor, although I scored so lan4 for my mid-year. It never crossed my mind whether I'm dumb and stupid or what, I knew that I didn't put in effort, and push all the blame to the pervertic teachers who simply enjoy da3 ji1-ing us~~~It's like, you simply must BELIEVE in yourself - That you are a GENIUS! Ha!!!

HAIZ~~~Feels so good. Heeheehee. ^.^

I really believe that everyone has the SUPER CAPACITY & POTENTIAL to succeed - You just need to have the vision, the belief, the faith, and the trust in YOURSELF that you can do it, to realize it - Oh yes. Never think your stupid and indulge on past failures... The thing is, you LEARN from your past mistakes, but never put yourself down, haha!

It's like, really lor, to me, I can't imagine if I have to indulge in the past.
It's like NG AH KAY asked us to write some compo about old vs. new right, my instant thought is - Since HUMAN eyes are grown in front, we should look forward to TOMORROW.

What does history/ yesterdays serve? Their ONLY function is to reside in our hearts and provides us with references so as to not to repeat past mistakes. And so that we can retrieve memories as and when as we like, reminiscing a period in time, a certain person, and whatsoever. And that is *ALL* that is to MEMORIES. For me I really don't believe in living in the past and as a fact, I won't allow myself to do so. It's like, YESTERDAYS to me, are only used as a sort of "firepower" to drive you forward.

The ultimate thing in life, is to enjoy TODAY, and anticipate the future. Yepyep. That's my absolute belief. It doesn't mean that you abandon old friends for new ones or whatsoever, it's just like... Life moves on no matter what, as always, right? Some things are better old, but generally - We should move on, harbouring memories that serve to remind us of the good days we once had, or the pain we once felt... And so we know what will make us happy and learn to keep away from letting ourselves get hurt. Yepyep. And so we travel to the future carrying luggages of memories that serve to ACCELERATE us and not keep us behind.

Oh yeah!

I'm feeling super positive now you know. Erm, although I'm listening to a bei1 qing2 song... Cuz it's simply TOO NICE le. OMG. Hou4 niao3... SKY arh~~~

Anyways all those huge paragraphs summarized means to never indulge in past failures or whatsiever. Carry them with you so that they can guide your way in front and live today to its fullest and look forward to tomorrows... HAHAHA!!!

Well, I think I'm absolutely stepping onto this road into life to be SUPER POSTIVE no matter how things may happen. I believe that's the only way you can totally enjoy lie. (: When you fail a subject really badly, it doesn't mean you're dumb or stupid. You're just given an opportunity to prove to others what you can REALLY do, and to score EVEN BETTER~~~When you're walking down a tough road in life and find yourself stuck, like maybe you're forced to drop some subjects (student context)...? It's not the END of the world, you can always TAKE another road. And maybe life has its twists & turns, but if we BELIEVE and TRY HARD, I BELIEVE that ultimately we still reach the end-point... Of a colourless solution.

Ok, I mean the end-point that promises TRUE HAPPINESS!!! Yepyep~That's just the way to deal with life I think.

I really feel like being a Philosopher leh. Cuz I DO enjoy giving super long & boring lectures blah blah blah and sharing my ideas with people (bcuz I think they rock)... Heard that Philosphers earn through publishing books. So, ok, firstly I have to improve my English and TRY to be LESS NAGGY... HAHAHA!!!


Life is like a piece of dough that you hold with your own hands, and it's UP TO YOU how you want to shape it!!! (Omg I came up with this myself leh... SKY arh~~~)

Whatever. That's all. S.H.E rocks!!! Life blossoms because of their prescence, yeah!

It's like... The chorus in HUA DOU KAI HAO LE is perfect to DEPICT my mood at this mmt...

Yan2 se4 yan4 le1... Xiang1 wei4 xiang1 le1... Hua1 dou1 kai1 hao3 le...
Ni3 shi4 wo3 de1... Wo3 you3 ai4 le1... Shi4 jie4 wan2 cheng2 le...

:D Life totally rocks at this very moment. (: And I simply know my life is going to reach a BRAND NEW CLIMAX at the S.H.E concert next year. Yepyep. I promise to reach even higher after that night. That I would be good~(A song)... :P

KK. That's all. HOU4 NIAO3 really hao3 hao3 ting1 orh. I shall take back the BAD things I said abt JAY CHOU today hahaha. (Though I still think they are true, only that Hou4 Niao3 is an exception.)

Anyways, I just accept and realize that being DILIGENT really brings me happiness. So therfore I will have to work hard. (: So as to be good~And ultimately, dui4 de2 qi3 myself. (: Sometimes I REALLY have this very wu2 chi3 thinking that: It's not that I'm stupid, I'm just lazee... So if I dun study how can I dui4 de2 qi3 this so blessed brain & mind that the Creator or whoever/ whatsoever that is GIFTED to me...? I think for one man to enjoy life to the fullest, he or she really must be very wu2 chi3 HAHAHA!!! Therefore my wu2 chi3 has a reason, and therefore it's JUSTIFIED.

Ok I've been dragging my entry. Finish it with a Hou4 Niao4 lyrics!!! Omg I REALLY REALLY love S.H.E more and more lor~Their songs DOMINATE my playlist... And they being so gao3 xiao4 really brought a lot of laugher into boring everyday routines~They are also really a source of inspiration for me. I think my way of liking a singer rocks lor~Cuz I'm not blinded by love (REALLY), but I admire and appreciate their qualities and so on and so forth. And YOU learn from singer's positive attitudes, I guess. Instead of the whole thing just being about omg he's so shuai~I think S.H.E very pia and I really like that about them. They treat their work seriously and do it dutifully and that's something I really wanna learn from them~

S.H.E rocks~And so do I~And so do everyone~As long as he or she is kind-hearted, just as me, HAHAHA!!! :D


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