Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Well~Sleepy most of the time today. AIYO, but you know right, sort of had great fun after school "treating Juliet nicely".

It's like we saw her coming out from the toilet, YELLED at each other; And started pushing her back inside. THEN, I took hold of her hand, stood away and SWUNG~~~Eventually we went on further with Gordon and me pulling her both hands and standing far apart from each other... Going around in circles... ACTUALLY I think it's FUN lor.

Oh ya did I mention that LAST FRIDAY, JUDY NG got us to go down to the concourse to play Old Eagle Catch Small Chick~Bai chi lor HAHAHA.

Then today during lesson Dan used my mp3 to record down the English lesson lar... So stupid lor. But it's really WEIRD listening to your own voice thru' devices, I think it's like you sound more REAL when you listen to yourself talking, just lidat... Dunno lar. Then she started telling "THOSE" stories for like one whole period... Omg poor me lor. My insist, my jian1 chi2 is that - WE ARE LIVING & ALIVE HUMANS, what is the FUN in watching so many movies or knowing stories of the OTHER world...? So senseless right~

Aiyo then we went for the Arts Festival thing after that.
It was ok lor. But it's like - WOAH, I appreciate S.H.E's singing and everything so much better. Including song compositions by chuang4 zuo4 zhe3s. :P

Anyways I really like that line from jue4 jiang4 that says... Wo4 jiu4 shi4 wo3 zi4 ji3 de1 shen2 zai4 wo3 huo2 de1 di4 fang1... And what wo3 bu2 pa4 qian1 wan4 ren2 zu3 dang3 zhi3 pa4 zi4 ji3 tou2 xiang2... So cool! (: I love that *absolute* tone of confidence and believing in oneself, yepyep! :P

Really look forward to ---ENCORE--- Aargh~~~ >.<
Anyways I think that's about all for today lar. Lazee to talk too much now~


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