Sunday, December 19, 2004

Aargh! I can't imagine how much more suey I can get~~~Suey until I feel like CURSING...他...Xㄉ. For goodness' sake lor, first I had a rough night. Difficulty breathing. Stabbing pain at chest/ sternum area or wherever that is. Then I woke up as early as 7 something to go see the doc. (Being a BIO student I even went online to check-out what I might be suffering from prior to that.) Wah I tell you it's TOTALLY unbearable lor~Move a bit, or even take in air a bit harder, you feel like your muscles are tearing apart~

Anyways at first I thought it's inflammation of my Pericardium from online research but doc. say is my ribs or whatever~All the same lar, one contains the heart one covers the heart.

Anyways then since yesterday my right ear got blocked again... (DAMMIT!!!)... Then at the mmt it's worsened~~~OMG I am so... -ingly PISSED.

And to top it off, my right nose has been blocked and running from last night too. OMG~~~Feel like cutting it off... >.< Nose blocks are my ARCH ENEMY lor. Then I actually went to took an afternoon nap, from 3 to just now... And it's like only when I really feel sick then I will do that one lor~~~Omg~~~


Oh ya I just decided I SHALL NOT EVER play with water again unless it's ONCE IN A BLUE MOON. Because I TOTALLY CANNOT TAHAN it when my ears get blocked also. From all that BLOODY WATER. OMG I feel like murdering~~~So... I shall sleep at home until I'm fine, bWa!

Oh I MUST keep myself fit for 8th of January. S.H.E concert. I can be lying down in bed whole-day long after that, I don't care~~~S.H.E 奇幻樂園 世界巡迴演唱會!!!


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