Saturday, December 18, 2004


"天ㄚ, 好崇拜她ㄛ~~~ㄏㄏㄏ"

天ㄚ~~~我整ㄍ人在朝<<台灣化>>邁進啦~~~為ㄌ我幸福美好ㄉ未來... XD


"天啊, 好崇拜她喔~~~呵呵呵"

天啊~~~我整個人在朝<<台灣化>>邁進啦~~~為了我幸福美好的未來... XD


Ok. Switch back to English. Typing all those ZHU YIN symbols have been tedious bcuz I haven't really started learning them well yet... ^^" Uh... Anyways.

Watched QUILL today. Must say I have been UTTERLY CHEATED... Because that show was as boring as boring can ever be. =.= In spite of all that... "You know just by reading the novel itself it'll leave you in tears..." "Everyone leaves the cinema crying" And all that LABRADOR RETRIEVER craze-sort-of suddenly in TW..... =.=

Let's say personally I I find MONSTERS Inc./ Finding Nemo even more touching than this... :P

Anyways I really think I have a borne gift with computers HOHOHO. Cuz normally when people run into problem with computers, they start CALLING and all that. While for me, I will be ANALYSING the situation logically, going thru' where the problem might be in my head, looking around, understanding all those jargons even if it's the 1st time I'm seeing them ((Note: ***INFERENCE***))... Etc. etc.~~~And for one, my consistency and pesistency with computers are far more than outstanding... I can spend AN ENTIRE afternoon or even an ENTIRE DAY searching here and there, trying to get something to work HOHOHO~~~Let's sum it up with one word: APTITUDE HAHAHA 我好欠扁ㄛ~~~太驕傲ㄌ我~~~bWaHaHa!!!

I mean, the ONLY thing that you need for working at ease with computers is none other than... LOGIC? Ok, and COMMON SENSE.

HOHOHO anyways the thing is that being a very 不樂於助人 person unless I'm in for personal gain... XD I simply enjoy lashing out 無盡ㄉ無情ㄉ嘲諷 at people once they start asking me technical problems and all that bWaHaHa... Heeheehee~~~So shuang lor~~~Because basically the other party is At YoUr MeRcY HAHAHA!!! XD

Haiya~Whatever lar~Love this song by S.H.E to m deathbed --- ㄛㄞㄋ!!! (:


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