Friday, December 17, 2004


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In the end I still bought te ONLINE RPG that S.H.E is endorsing lar...
Actually hor, this ONLINE RPG developed from this series of single-player RPGs the... It's pretty fun. (: I got play b4~~~Heeheehee.

Anyways, because all my previous experiences with online RPGs are like, quite bo liao mah. (Ragnarok Online and some dumb 金庸群俠傳) So... At least this one looks cute! Hahaz... :D OH YA, and I get to play on a TW server! HEEHEEHEE~!~!~!~~~

Anyways! I've decided to join 移花宮 lar~~~Must join there. My initial reason is that HEBE's character is of that the... Then after I saw the intro. from the official site, HOHOHO I really like their 功夫~~~ ^.^

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I tell you I cannot tahan it when I play a game hor, then there is no INTERACTION at all... Bores me to death~RO and that other online RPG was perfect examples... Everyone whole-day kill monster kill monster so sian~~~Hmmsie.

Anyways, I strongly recommend STAR WARS: Knights of The Old Republic to you peeps. I know Star Wars is outlandish... I also think so... Even I didn't think much of that RPG at first, but it turns out to be... REALLY great! :D

Whatever lar~Off to clear more space in my comp. Transfer more S.H.E videos to DVD so that I can start playing 新絕代雙嬌 Online!


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