Sunday, January 16, 2005

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bWa!!! FINALLY done with SS, English and... Etc.
Only left --- STUDYING for PHYSICS exam tml. AARGH!!! I should have prepared for this long ago... Now I have to cram in last minute le... =.=

Ok tml I will have to start studying for A MATHS also...


Oh ya I spent quite a few hours decorating my Journal lor... Because it's like, once I DO want something to be done myself, I get SUPER perfectionist-ic over it... Super ultra mega fussy jiu4 dui4 le... I mean, it's like, even when I do POWERPOINT SLIDEs I'm like OK every slide must have the same format... Words must be centralized... Must have general cohesion... Etc. etc... As tedious as can be.

And once I started getting so... FUSSY abt things, I usually go at it for HOURS.

Therefore I ONLY finished my work uptil now. Partially. I'm intending to throw in more stuff to my Journal next time round... HEEHEEHEE. Currently the back is a SERIES of Xiao Bin Bin and the front S.H.E ***Hebe***... bWaHaHa!!! Hopefully I wanna add in more Xiao Bin Bin and Gillian and MYSELF next time HAHAHA.

Whatevers! Off to PHYSICS! MAGNETISM. Oh my god it's like I HATE this topic...? Cannot TAHAN drawing. I love CALCULATING.

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完全被 Gillian 美到了~~~我觉得 齐天大圣孙悟空 里面啊,她&Charlene的造型都是超靓的!!!好塞雷!!!
OMG 我已经倾向 台湾+香港 化了...如果是中国化的话应该是:俺以为这两位姑娘都很沉鱼落雁闭月羞花 HAHAHA!!! XD~~~


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