Friday, January 14, 2005

天啊!!!今天累到要死了 上 CME 的时候老师教华文我整个人倒头就睡...

Whatevers lar~I've decided! I must work hard this year. Aiyo today peeps were like discussing abt tuition tuition tuition during cls. And I'm like: OMG... $180 a month, I can buy 10 CDs with that, go to S.H.E's concert (once again) with $30 extra with that, buy 180 pieces of the food that I fell in love with recently etc. etc...

I don't know lar. I just wanna try myself out for a term. (: See how things work out. If I can't really make it on my own then I'll consider tuition lor... But then judging by my STUBBORN and HARD-HEADED nature, I would most probably PRESS on even if I fail tests and all that... when money is involved... Hahaz!

I mean, I'm really BROKE recently. Omg!

Dunno leh. And I don't believe in spending the money for better results. I mean, I do believe that listening attentively in class, understanding your lessons and doing work on your own is enough... So --- I'll just have to start with this and see how things go. (:

In fact you should have seen how tediously I did my E Maths homework last night...
I made sure every line is clean and straight (normally I would just agar-agar)... Then I did *make an effort* to write NEATLY. Afterall, it's my own future and I have ONLY myself to count on for this. And it's like just days ago I was like complaining to my mother abt the LACK of help..... It's like even my CHINESE is better than my mom's, so - HOW!? ----- Well, basically I just complain complain complain abt the sort of situation I'm in then when I'm done complaining - I'm stuck with myself again - But thankfully I'm always given the right dose of DRIVE whenever I really need it... (:


Then today I wanted to play my PS2 one... I retrieved my dust-covered system and plugged it into power... By MYSELF. Omg my life is doomed to INDEPENDANCE man. >.< 苍天啊!!!为什么我命这么苦... Then god knows how much time I spent fiddling with it...

FFX-2 Kingdom Hearts and others ran ok... ALL's PERFECT & FINE except for the game that I wanna play - IRRITATED! PISSED! FRUSTRATED! DISTRESSED! Etc. etc... That is as far as my vocabulary can be stretched.

Oh ya. I've also decided le. Ok - FACE it - I can't leave Singapore - No matter how DESPERATELY I want to - I can't leave - Until I get a degree - Until I can support myself - And till then I'll need English - OMG! - Ok then I'll just have to IGNORE my DEVOTION to Chinese for awhile and learn to ABSORB English.....

bWaHaHa!!! Then when I'm done I'll throw it aside and FLEET to an ENTIRELY CHINESE country and bask in S.H.E music!!!!! bWaHaHa!!! That's what I'm working towards. (: That's what keeps me going.

Whatever lar! I'm really amazed by the very fact that nothing seems that IMPOSSIBLE at all once you TAKE the first step to ATTEMPT it... HOHOHO... 加油吧!!!CEJ!!! bWaHaHa!!! To S.H.E & beyond!!! (:

有时候我会觉得未来很不可思议...可是我们真正应该好好把握的是今天不是吗?为了虚幻缥缈的未来而放弃流逝了现在太不划算了~整个人浑浑噩噩地过了 3 年了...最后一年就是要好好努力,验收自己这些年来的成长的时刻了---YES!!!我希望拿到 O'lvl 会考成绩时伴随而来的是澎湃的满足感...而不是 PSLE 的莫名其妙...感觉上好像这一切都和我不相关一样...

对了!!!本人最近真的好爱 Gillian 呢!!!哈哈哈 最近都有在看 齐天大圣孙悟空
可是我 miss 了一集有Gillian的啦...当我得知有 Gillian 时可是立刻收看的~可是已经没有了 :( 好赛哦
她在里面的造型真的是超美的耶 可是目前为止都没看到武打... :( 哎哟我想看她的武打拉 超酷的!!!


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The Twins Effect II 真的是太酷了... Though the storyline & the male lead sucks... =.= 重点是我超喜欢 Gillian 在里面的造型 & 角色 耶!!!好酷哦~~~

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她们 3 月会出国语专辑耶...歌词 so far 还蛮烂的...我真的搞不懂她们为什么不要找台湾的作词家作词呢...?...OMG!!!我刚刚在新闻上看到小斌斌!!!超帅的啰!!!结果我浑然懒得管人在家里就忍不住"小斌斌小斌斌"了起来...因为大嘴巴刚好打电话来嘛 Then 我接起电话的时候刚好看到小斌斌整个人就是很亢奋很语无伦次很到后来才问了一句:你是谁?大嘴巴啊?...天啊!!!如果不是身旁还有人在的话我应该会欢呼吧!!!小斌斌耶!!!!!!!!!!

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唉~And 我在暗恋 Gillian 当中 哈哈哈 好恶心的用词哦~~~

OMG --- 小斌斌帅呆了~


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