Saturday, January 15, 2005

Oh my god... //Back from watching MY BROTHER.
I think the movie was really touching leh... at the scene whereby 小斌斌 is like: "Why was I borne? It's not like I wanted to be born..." etc. etc...

Therefore I like this one much better than Taegukgih... Actually~

Then there was also a scene whereby a heavily wounded 小斌斌 struggles to pull his brother up... Who was also lying in a pool of blood. Then it's like they showed the flashback of what actually happened and OMG --- It's like --- 4 words --- 痛心疾首 --- Crept into my heart. Because it's like, after all that's happened, 小斌斌 is relieved, brothers understood each other etc. etc... And IMMEDIATELY it's goodbye forever... It's like... OMGGGGGGGGGG lor... :( Really very 痛心疾首 lor... Sky arh... :(

This is one of those drama movies that didn't bore me out or what. Because I get bored watching to drama, unless they have plenty of action & humour in it... I think this movie IS worth watching. (:

It's like~One of those shows to do with kinship that actually *touched* me. Cuz personally I never ever even watched some show abt families b4. The very idea BORES me out totally. I went into the cinema because of 小斌斌, then I come out... "OMG..."

Then after that hor, we went to Kino... Saw a lot of S.H.E mags and I'm like !!!!!.
I also saw this GILLIAN mag... I wanna buy leh! But it's 9 over... And I'm BROKE. So... Anyways I have it in my comp.

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The article was something abt what... They say she very 迷信 one. As in to do with horoscopes and all that lar. And I'm like OMG OMG then she would LOVE me a lot bWaHaHa because it's GEMINI (me!!!) vs. Aquarius (21st of Jan... bWaHaHa!!!)...

Aiyo~She's really my 新欢 leh~Did I mention that I've been watching 齐天大圣孙悟空 because of her...? HAHAZ... Though her character inside is really like, stupid & retarded.

ANYWAYS! Then after that arh, Dan & DA ZUI BA went to Coffee Bean. While Gordon and me were like still up to some STAR HUNTING. Then we walked aroudn trying to find that shop in TAKA. Because it's like I never quite remembered where that shop is because everytime I went there I have someone else to lead the way then therefore I never learned to get there with someone else... Etc. etc... Then we walked all the way UP. "EE??? No leh..." "我有很严重的预感应该是楼下"... Said me as we looked at the KINO up one storey. "Because I remembered it's below KINO" Then we walked all the way down again, I mean taking escalators. Then both of us called Ng Lang Lang to ask for the direction. Then I heard as B1. Then Ng Lang Lang was like call back Gordon later on asking why he called her, so stupid lor HAHAZ. Then we walked one whole round around B1 and then Gordon called Ng Lang Lang again --- It's B2. Then FINALLY - We saw it.

And then and again - We walked ALL THE WAY UP to KINO, THRU' KINO, BACK TO THE SAME OLD EXIT THE FOUR OF US LEFT FROM EARLIER ON and RETRACED our footsteps because we were like - Eh? Where's Coffee Bean. But it's like at least I remembered it's on B1 lor... Then I'm like: OMG!?!?!?... "Ok let's pretend that we are 精神奕奕 later on and don't let them know what kind of 路痴s we are..." It's like so stupid lor... I can't imagine first we walked all the way up then all the way down then all the way up then down so that we finally found them in the end... HOPELESS until a certain standard le. TOTALLY. Then I bought this mag with TWINS. HOHOHO 真的好爱 Gillian 了啦~~~ ^.^ 因为我觉得她超美的...

Then we dilly-dallied around talking...



大嘴巴(to 女鬼):S.H.E里面你最喜欢哪一个?

Gordon:有分别吗? HAHAHA

Etc. etc. lar... Then Gordon was like, TOTALLY 潜意识变态 lor. He was like tearing the bits of paper up, you know, on those plates, and then putting them into the cup!? And I was like looking at them with a look of UTTER DISGUST...

Oh... Then they were also starting to talk abt smiles... Then 大嘴巴 was like...

Me:还是笑不出来耶...什么都看不到 (because Dan is a ghost)...

And he was like fluttering his eyelids with a pervert smile and I was like, gave him an utter look of disgust lor. Cannot tahan~OMG!!!

Oh ya then on our way to TAKA right, actually, there was this 4 girls who walked up to us. One of them was like jumping up and down pleading us so hardly. But I was like: No feeling. My face was emotionless and I just walked straight-ahead without any thought of stopping, ever, at all.

It's like after all these years of walking around ORCHARD hor, I'm like, even if anyone DOES approach me, no matter HOW hard they try, I would just ignore them and walk MY WAY. bWaHaHa. They 可怜 also not my problem~Who ask them to bother ME.

Anyways basically we just crapped crapped crapped...
Oh ya, did I say that I'm like... UTTERLY disgusted by 大嘴巴 & DAN nowadays...!? They are like "霹雳火" "霹雳火" whole-day long and I'm like: !?!?!?!?!?!?!?...

UTTERLY disgusted... Hahaz.....

Oh~Whatevers~~~天啊~~~好爱 S.H.E + 小斌斌 + Gillian + Others 哦...

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