Monday, January 17, 2005

Sky arh... You know what. It was drizzling this morning. Then mornings are quiet mah. Then I was like... Listening to 我爱你...? ---我撑起所有爱 围成风雨的禁地 挡狂风暴雨 想让你喘口气--- Then I was like... OMG!? I love this song SO SO MUCH.

Cannot tahan 抒情摇滚 lor!!! It's like --- OH! MY GOD~~~!?

Then I was very focused on listening to the song over and over again such that I got a shock when someone tapped me on my shoulders... HOHOHO.

Whatever lar! During E MATHS today I was like LAUGHED until MY TEARS came out ok!?
Because Dan and me was like... OMG this teacher is hopeless...

"Any question?"
"Any question?"
"Any question?"
"No respon (she always fails to pronounce the sssss... sound) huh"

Then I was like: OH!!! MY GOD!!! Why would she wanna be a teacher, AT ALL!?

Ok I know it's bad... But she is PARTLY responsible as well what. It's like, sometimes I, HAIYAH ok lar answer her, but she also like treat us like air lidat just carry on talking her stuff~~~Though she does answer students' questions lar... OK. At least she is doing her job...

But really leh, I practically laughed until I was like... Erupting?
Because it's just so damn funny when I think abt the ridicule of the situation!
Then I was like, unbelievable how she would behave at home... Then Dan was like, she would say to her child "Eat arh eat arh..." And I added on "Hungry anot?" "Want to eat anot?" "You want food right?" etc etc... I mean as in, kept on picturing her talking talking talking with virtually no one answering her...

Then it's like she told us to do all this exercise in cls right...
Then everyone was like busy doing, while she kept on talking. Then when I finished - Looked up - Er, what was she talking abt? I thought it was Question 8, but later then I realized she was like talking abt... DUNNO WHAT?

Then I'm like OMG why didn't she even gave us time to do our work...!?

So hopelessly 哭笑不得 lor~

And Dan was like saying maybe she very 温驯 in sch when everyone ignores her... But very violent at home... And I acted it out for her --- 拍桌子 (最近好爱拍桌子哦), "Why didn't you answer my questiont!? It's good enough that everyone ignores me at school!? HUH!?" --- HAHAHA~~~It was like so HOPELESSLY hopeless lor.

Omg I was really laughing until my tears came out man~~~So stupid.

做老师做到酱子还有任何意义吗...? HAIZ. At least Lim Leong relief also contact time with us a lot~I mean, really, the most basic thing I would request of a teacher is to treat us like humans, and DOES bother abt at least, say, our academic results...?

Whatever lar! It's like so OMG lor~

Oh ya then Mr. Soon kept on lecturing lecturing us nowadays. So 烦 lor. I really despise those people who go abt breaking rules and all that just because they are cool leh. I mean, if you ARE cool, it comes from the inside, alright? Omg it's like so HOPELESSLY childish lor OH OH OH hahaz.

I mean, I DO wonder how they are raised lor. No VALUES at all. It's like, even though my mom was so "lax" on me and me being so lazee, at least I have a PROPER SET of values incorporated into my mind. But those peeps hor, I think they are just like, without a mind of their own and go abt doing stupid stuffs trying to "proof" and "show off" their dare or whatsoever or just to gain the recognition of their WONDERFUL group of friends. I mean, COME ON --- Like I told my mother, if ONE day a friend of mine ASKS me to commit a crime or what, FROM THAT VERY MOMENT ON --- He or she is like, NO LONGER considered as a friend to me ANYMORE. AT ALL. TOTALLY. NO MATTER WHAT. Basically the only ending conclusion for this will be: BYE BYE.

I mean, I think the thing is that, RESPECTing other people's personal rights and freedom of choice etc. is BASIC in any relationship. Therefore it's like, you expect me to do something that I SERIOUSLY don't want to do? --- OMG that is like GET AWAY from me you freak!

Ok. Then back to the issue at hand. Omg I feel like I'm doing expository writing here HOHOHO. But I would mostly likely fail if I submitted this in for O'lvl hahaha.

I mean, it's like --- I don't see the need to go around like... DELIBRATELY breaking rules? You know that rules serve a purpose, for a general cohesion of a whole group, if you want to be cool you can also be cool in MANY other ways... I mean, ok you may feel that this rule can be taken down... But then if nobody ever places the RESTRICTION there, everyone would just keep on stretching the limits then HOHOHO 1st day in school we see a crowd with rainbow-coloured hair, the next day the girls' skirts go so up that there is basically NO NEED to even wear it at all... And etc. etc... Basically with the lack of a restraint there such atrocities will lead to offenses such as... I don't want to list it here leh bWaHaHa!!!

Omg I sound SO MUCH like a... Lecturer. But come on! I'm just talking sensibly. Alright. I really seriously do not see the point in like, maybe being the coolest person around and living off the say, like, "worship" of mindless and sensely adolescents who will one day grow up to regret the HOPELESSLY hopeless teenage hood they once had. HOHOHO. Life is too precious to be wasted on such crap.

I mean, instead of trying to wear your skirt all the way up and looking like some prostitute hanging around waiting to be hooked (omg this is so harsh but I'm just EMPHASIZING & exagerating lar)... Isn't your time BETTER spent on for example reading and cultivating er... 修养...? WOAH. It's like the only job that allows you to walk around scandulously dressed next time will be none other than prostituition I guess. (I'm so sorry for mentioning this again.)

But on the other hand, I also see nothing wrong with people wanting to express their individuality lar. So the above "words" hor, serve as a reference and something to think abt only. HEEHEEHEE.

I mean, I think I'm the sort of person who DOES NOT enjoy going around and trying to change people, preach them etc. etc. Or make people see things my way...? Because I just think that is so... Abundant? I have my own view of the world. You have yours. That's that. And though we are different, we are both human, therefore we can live in harmony. bWaHaHa. Provided that you don't OFFEND me sErIoUsLy.

So that's that lor. I do encourage everyone to take some time everytime to ponder abt your own actions and the world and basically life a lil you know...? If not I think it'll be like, OMG why am I so busy for...? You know, operating like a machine non-stop without the least bit of knowing of what you are doing.

That is like - OH MY GOD SO SAD! Your brain goes wasted! Humans are diff. from BEASTS because we use our brains, we think, and we are able to make our own choices.

Aiyo actually now I do realize EXPOSITION is the style of writing for me leh HAHAHA.
Because like I said, I don't see the point in getting people to see my point; I don't see the point in persuading people - Why don't you just leave them alone and I'm happy enough that I have my own opinions...?

Therefore discursive writing is more ideal for me. bWaHaHa. I'm never a person with a super FIRM standpoint anyways. Because I see the various aspects of an issue and I'll be like --- Actually anything does not matter at all what HAHAHA.

Anyways, actually I feel that my mom has really TRULY given me a life. Some people live up to "replicate" their parents or whatsoever, but well, I'm just so F R E E. It's like really lor~Sometimes I talk to my mom I'll be like OMG we are so DIFFERENT. She has TOTALLY failed in shaping me. I shape myself. I decide for myself how I wanna be like. And god knows how much good deeds she must have done in her past life to have given birth to a daughter like me bWaHaHa!!!

AIYO dunno lar. Oh my god I can really go on non-stop like this. I mean, really leh, because I totally THINK THINK THINK a whole lot, if I put all of them down, it'll be like ----- The VAST and ENDLESS universe of CEJ's mind.

Sky arh.我是个有思想的人好不好~~~才不像这世上的一些人一样,忙了一大辈子都不懂自己到底是为什么而忙碌为何而活.如果将来我必须为了家庭而拼命工作啊~我不希望我的理由是为了维持生计.而是因为我很爱我的家人.同样的一件事,理由的不同是有很大的分别的好不好?就比如结婚啊,不是为了派遣寂寞而且人老到想死的时候想有人帮忙买棺材了而是会希望一辈子都可以和一个人在一起 and then 每天早上醒来第一个看到的人就是他有没有?...实际上的差距很大呢!!!我觉得一种是很空洞很机械化很没有内容的人生.而另外一种完全是~~~天啊~~~幸福到想死.


可是很难讲勒.事实和梦想是有极大极大的差距呢. But --- So far as I'm concerned, I don't care.

可是 hor~本人最大的问题也是想太多真正去做的很少... HAHAHA. Whatever!

Oh ya then I watched the 公主复仇记 le! I think the concept quite cool lar. Though the movie was like rather adult... But KK lar~Don't be childish. HAHAZ.

I mean, certain scenes was really well-shot with very nice background music lor. Then I simply think that GILLIAN rox!!! HAHAHA!!!!!!!!

But in the end I still can't really grasp the purpose and motive of certain actions taking place in the movie anyways. Then the movie also make me rather muddle-headed. Cuz there's like a lot of similar scenes repetitive scenes flashbacks that reflect something etc. etc. etc...

Whatever lar! But it's also rather worth a watch lar. For killing time bah. But some parts ARE cool to me lar. HEEHEEHEE!!! It would have been perfect if Gillian was single inside... Ok I'm crapping if she was single the entire show would not have happened at all HAHAHA.

Sky arh 我好爱看电影 orh... I think that movies are like, have the ability to put me into this other world, a diff. style of living, etc... I can immerse myself in it and move with the flow of the plot. And that is like - OMG.

Just hate TV serials. Whole day long DRAG DRAG DRAG. So KNS lor.

Sky arh! Then I'm really starting to like ANGELA CHANG's songs leh. That is like... OMG!?

Oh ya, then adding on to what I was talking abt earlier on hor... I think that it's like, there's a huge diff. btwn doing something because you WANT to do it and doing something bcuz everyone else is doing it and you HAVE to do it you know...?

But then it's like at times we also have to do things the way everyone else says it should be done lar... Because it's like no man is an island of his or her own...? So therefore it's like... ERM. WHATEVER. How you want to live your life is still up to you, basically it's still a choice of being yourself or following others.

So that's that lor! HAHAHA. That's what I mean by nothing is like definite in life? It's all a matter of choices and perspectives alright.....


Lazee to talk more... Must be off to homework le. DILIGENT me.


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