Monday, February 21, 2005

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HEYHEY! Well, here we have YET another Monday.
Anyways, life is usuals. (: Not too bad, not entirely great either. Duh duh duh.

Anyways, I went to the dentist today. bWaHaHa. My teeth condition DID improve lor. :P
Anyways! Then we had to put on this... GLASSES. And I was like, taking photos of myself with it? HAHAHA! --- "Disgusted" by myself.

Anyways, when I entered, the place was like AS NOISY as a fish market.
Because you have Huiting and Yijie here. Both of them were like so CHATTY I don't wanna comment lor. That's why I DARED to zi4-pai1 mah. I mean, no real connection lar, but - WHATEVER.

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That thing made me feel like my eyes are like so WIDE-OPEN in shock lidat.
Anyways! So that's that~~~

And I was REALLY hungry by lunch. Bcuz I didn't have recess. Feels too weird to InGeSt.

Anyways, GOD knows how much I SERIOUSLY feel like killing DA ZUI BA. MY GOD!
He finally finished watching my beloved S.H.E's concert. Then he was like KEPT on claiming himself to be the DANCER that... ((TAKES A DEEP BREATH)) Hebe rubbed her rear against, and whose breast Hebe stroked (I mean Hebe stroked his chest), and the part that totally make me feel like SMASHING the TV or whatsoever was when HEBE propped her leg against the dancer~~~I WAS LIKE: OMG that guy WILL BE a DEAD MAN.

IRRITANT! Pesticide! Insecticide!

Anyways. My current two fave 艺人 is like... HEBE & WON BIN!!! bWaHaHa!!! XD~~~
Hebe really rocks inside the concert lor. Even Da Zui Ba was like singing praises of her performance. And I kept on talking with him abt the concert, HAHAHA!


Whatever lar, I'm like 100% pro-Hebe le~~~Cuz she's just getting prettier and prettier to me HAHAHA! YES I AMMMMM SUPERFICIAL, bWaHaHa!!!

Anyways, I've been getting rather serious, at least talking seriously recently leh. :P

I mean the other day that Da Zui Ba called and we started talking abt FRIENDS (my WON BIN), S.H.E (my HEBE), and loads of other stuff. From the start of that stupid Fiery Thunderbolt all the way into quite some time after the show ended. Actually I think I CAN talk a lot on phone lar, used to talk for HOURS, really HOURS with my pri. sch. friends... But then now also hardly contact le. I mean, bcuz I NEVER ever dial people up all my life. LAZEE. :P Anyways,就算失去联络,祝福依旧~希望在某个重逢的路口,我们会想起曾经的年少、再面带微笑、问声好. :P

Whatever lar~~~
其实对我而言...大多数的时候我都很少会怀念从前或者留恋啦.很难过很难过的时候会很想念童年...可是除此之外,大多时候我整个人就是对于过去的东西毫无兴趣、我觉得人生在于当下, alright?

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被平复回~~~哈哈哈!!!我整个人很少在巴士上面 take photo 了勒...因为每次都很多人...
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WHATEVER lar.我希望自己可以好好地茁壮成长、尽好自己作为学生的责任和本分、丰富自己的内涵、然后呢,让自己更快乐点...等等等.

不懂啦~~~我整个人有在越变越懒的状态.至少有时候我整个认真的会忽然觉得...天啊,说话好麻烦哦...我觉得我发呆的次数已经有在增加的状态... =.= 其实很多时候我真的真的只想自己一个人悠哉闲哉地看本书、听点音乐、玩玩 PS 2...整个人已经有点活腻了这种对我而言还蛮奔忙的生活节奏...

我觉得我很轻而易举地对任何事物感到厌倦耶...完全性的天生三分钟热度. :P



而且在一个 充满了 逻辑与科学的思想里 竟然也可以同时存在着对 fantasy lands 的幻想 以及一种世界大同的理想 (虽然同时我也会觉得那根本是不可能)
关于自己、以及真实 生命的线索 我还在慢慢捉摸

一说到这里 不知道为什么我忽然想起了老家 还有和我血脉相连的那条街
街的脉络是我这辈子最珍藏最美好的回忆 让我有勇气在人生里挣扎下去...

不懂勒 某种程度而言 我所拥有的一切 是冥冥之中的一种东西吧~
口素...如果要下定义的话 是什么造就了一个人呢...? WELL WELL WELL...

微风飘荡在花香的走廊 墙上的画像在寂寞自赏
我用这一段文字的抽象 来带过此刻的感想~

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