Wednesday, February 23, 2005

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See if...

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You can...

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Spot the difference...

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Finally went to see the doc. today!
Regarding my ears... I've been having problems with hearing lately, I mean, I can still hear just my left ear just feels really blocked and all that.
Anyways, then the doc. said that I have no prob. with my ear~It's just blocked inside. And asked me to do certain stuffs~
Then eventually the conclusion was: My nose was blocked, therefore it affected my ear. And I was like HUH? HOW? [A Bio student afterall.] And he explained it to me...

So in the end, it's really NO PROBLEM with my ears. It's my nose. And what with the damn weather lately, you know, all that humidity in the air. There's some of like "air" trapped inside my ears or what. No wonder I've alays felt like this block was diff. from the rest... Bcuz I must have seen the doctor 3-4 times b4 abt my ear getting blocked by now, and this time the "block" just feels really diff. And for a while I REALLY was worrying abt getting deaf... OMG... I would die without S.H.E music...

Whatever lar! So for once I'm very obliged to take medication for my nose.
Bcuz I've totally given up hope on it le. After 7-8 or fewer or more visits to the doc. Oversensitive. Cannot be cured. Only prevented. Blah blah blah.
Nose gets blocked 99% of the time. All that dust particles trapped in my air by my cillia. Occassional sneezes. Etc. etc.

I don't even care abt the sense of smell anyways. It's in fact, like a "fortunate" thing most of the time. When 80% of the things around you does not smell good. :P The teachers's markers... Etc.

Anyways! So there it is. FINALLY. Feel so relieved and fine. bWaHaHa!!! I treasure and pamper my ears a lot lor~~~It's like the very fact that I can't really listen to myself properly also resulted in me not really inclined to talk lor. Though I'm not that talkative by nature also. WHAT~Ever.

Blah blah blah...

Oh the Bio test was sucky.
It's like only after studying it do I realize how complicated and tedious and hopeless the MENSTRUAL CYCLE can be.
Alright, I never listen to all those Sexual talks much, so my idea of menstruation has always been... A period of 7 days with blood.
Never did I know that --- (TAKES A DEEP BREATH)

Menstruation is actually the break down of the uterine lining with some blood through the VVVVV... bWaHaHa!!! I mean... The idea is that.

First of all you have your mature Graffian follicle....
Then it will start to OVULATE and all that... FERTILE period... Uterine lining thickens... Etc... If the egg is not fertilised, then you have your Menstruation. After which, your FSH stimulates your primary follicles to mature again... So it REALLY is a CONTINUOUS and REPETITIVE cycle with a lot of crap involved~

I should have concentrated on this lor!
I was like spending my time trying to REMEMBER where is THIS, where is THAT, what does IT do, diff. btwn an egg and a sperm... And by the time I reach the Menstrual Cycle it just makes me feel so hopelessly CONFUSED!

Instead of remembering that thing, I was like going around cursing people with CERVICAL CANCER, INFERTILITY, DOWN SYNDROME (3 pairs of 21st human chromosome...) and all that CRAP... HAHAHA!

The most infuriating thing was the last ques. in the paper.
What feature of the diagram shows that the woman is infertile? - She has no or very narrow oviduct.

Her oviduct is BLOCKED, SEAL, of ALL the words in the world!!! MY GOD!!!!!

I was like... Ovum present. Check.
Aaaaaaaaa... "Entrance" present. Check.
Uterus proper. Check.
Eee? No connection/ pathway for ovum to travel thru' to the uterus and all the way down to where it may meet the you know, male gamete, during an act of ER "passion" HAHAHA!... But I just really idiotically put down no oviduct/ narrow oviduct... AAH!!!

Whatever lar~Aiyo. My poor ears...

Anyways, today during lesson LIM LEONG side-track with us again.
She was talking abt the Substituition thing in Chem notes with us.
Then she started talking abt you know this thing hor, last time we used to dissect cockroaches/ frogs and all that with it one leh........
[She revealed later on that she only side-tracked with us bcuz it's easier to talk to us abt it, since we are learning Bio, hahaha!]
And so on and so forth... Then what can you imagine last time they use this to perform operations b4 they have anesthesia?... What if you wake up half-way to see somebody opening up your stomach... Then I was like imagining the scene and telling Jie Jie: Ya lor. Then the person YELLS in surprise and all his lungs and interestines BURST out~HAHAHA!!!
Then Lim Leong went on talking abt how they DISSECT people, she was using words like "you have a good friend for 3 years"... Then later on I realized she meant that you stick with dissecting this same old corpse thru' out! And I was like: YUCK! Dissecing. Even more YUCK! A corpse. WORST YUCK! The same old face.

And already I was like wodnering, MY GOD... Is the face like still there?
What abt will they actually give you a profile of that person...???

Alright. I'm not taking Bio in Uni alright. Period.

Then I like told her it's REALLY disgusting.
And she was like, if not how to learn? SPCA ban the dissection of frogs, rabbits, etc... The now leh?

---Look at diagrams lor. Is my answer. HAHAHA!

Then we also talked abt plants... Plants suck lor. The way she say "everything the same" very funny. It is true what. Your professor or whoever brings you to the Botanical Gardens. Wah. A WHOLE BUNCH of PLANTS.

-See! The stomata!
-See! The leaves.
-See! The stomata again.
-See! The pistils.
-See! The stamens...

Virtually everything that is found on every plant with the same old boring functions.

Oh ya, then she mention a friend of hers who's REALLY major in Biology. But cries non-stop when she sees people dissecting furry animals... And instantly my first thought is: Then SHAVE the fur away b4 dissecting lar!

Makes sense lor. KK.

Anyways! Got our PSLE... Oops O'lvl courses thing today.
Wah. $415. When I look at that sum of money I was like WOAH that's huge.
When I think abt it now I'm like, OK I HAVE to score for this. It's my MONEY at stake, ok?

OH HOHOHO~~~And I've firmly decided.
3 subjects I must take in JC is --- Maths, COMPUTING, Chinese Studies and Literature or whatever... HEEHEEHEE. I'm considering Economics also. Cuz MONEY wonders me. But Bio/ Physics/ Chem also not too bad lar. Though I have no REAL preference for any. In the sense that I may like one but I can't score it in cancelling out my like for that subject.


Theatre Studies --- Impractical. It may be a dream come true but I'm not a too dreamy person in terms of... Uh, DREAMS regarding jobs.
Elective Art/ Music - Not ENTIRELY interested now. Not my thing. Me, an ARTIST? KILL me.

HMMsie. So I'll see lor. At least I have a path set for me le.
Maths + Computing... bWaHaHa both of this come hand in hand lor~It's like. Algebra? You use that in programming. Vectors? You use that in computer graphics. Etc. etc.~~~
Chinese bcuz I would want to go to Shanghai~~~Aiya, just for fun and interest anyways.


Anyways, although I was very pressed for time yesterday, I went to play and enjoy first all the same. Watched S.H.E concert. Words can't tell enough how much they REALLY rock me. The songs that I kept on watching are like... I.O.I.O. (I like Selina's 1, 2, 4, GO! And Hebe is REALLY cute.)..... And etc. lar.

My fave part from their performance is the 朋友组曲. They rock lor.
I think the BEST thing abt S.H.E that no other band ever can match up to is their unity and bond, it's like... Erm, lemme think which is the hardest bond... A ionic covalent bond? Or whatever? HA! GIANT MOLECULAR!!! Harder than diamond.

And I love watching it with DOLBY SURROUND SOUND baby. (:
Omg. Hebe rocks, TOTALLY, ok. She's really like my MOST MOST FAVOURITE SINGER.

Oh ya, then it's like... Hebe 跳舞真的是毫无美感可言的啰!!!
While we were watching their concert in Singapore, already we were all like burst out laughing at her 十面埋伏... When I watched their concert on DVD I was like, MY GOD...腿有必要开得那么开吗?... ==. And all that lar. But I think the Only Lonely and I.O.I.O dance is really cute!

Whatever lar! S.H.E is REALLY like my MOST favourite singer of ALL times.
Sad times, happy times, great times, lonely times, ovulation times (...), S.H.E is always on my TOP-HITS list!

Oh ya btw I just heard the entire HONEY album by Cyndi Wang le.
Some tracks ARE really nice. I mean HONEY is a very nice song le. But her songs are like hopelessly childish lor~That sort of... Bubblegum pop?...


对了,我和 Hebe 的孩子姓田名蜜蜜!!! HAHAHA!!!...

AIYO... I was just watching that I.O.I.O lar... Then I saw it again!
That part in the whole song that made me lvoe it so much! I don't know why but I just love it so much when Hebe did this as she sang 情人节我~就忘记... That's so cool!

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You have to watch the whole clip to see how cool it is lar~~~HAHAHA!

Omg! Oh ya, tell you what, I feel like asking people if they wanna go someone's hse and then we all watch the concert DVD together lor. HAHAHA. Dunno leh, I just am borne with this love and tendency to say, get people involved in my favourite activities leh, heeheehee. Cool mah. But whatever lar~~~Quite lazee to go around asking people anyways, I bet half of my lifespan would "qi4" away if I do ask anyways, HAHAHA!

Hebe 是什么>>>?

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女神!!! bWaHaHa!!!

哦人生再沮丧日子难免失意 而S.H.E是我的魔力~~~ :P

哎哟懒得说了我要再看 S.H.E 一下下再熬夜!啊---我是可怜的.可是有S.H.E在,一切都是值得的!!! XD!!!


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