Wednesday, October 27, 2004


Well~Today is another day. But I HAVE to say, so super suey.
There was this STUPID temperature taking exercise. And the cutest MRS GOH did not come, so LIM LEONG was walking around. And well, OBVIOUSLY I very heck such stupid exercises, just anyhow grabbed something that says THERMOMETER and took it out when Mrs Lim walked by. It's like, my idea is that, bring thermometer FOR SHOW, not interested in taking.

Well and then she said "this thermometer too slow cannot" and I "huh?" and realized it's those sort of thermometers used for measuring ROOM TEMPERATUREs. =.=

Then, the FACT IS, then, I wasn't SORRY, and uptil now, still NOT SORRY abt not heeding instruction... But I was UNHAPPY abt the fact that - OMG $10. I'm so BROKE~~~recently and so TIGHT on $$ then I have this strong urge to "NO NO NO~~~Not my $10~~~Anything but $10~~~" It's like the FACT IS, the only reason I even BOTHERED to grab a thermometer is that - I dun want to pay the $10~~~My heart will bleed giving that extra $$ to the school, hmmph!

Anyways so MOST RELUCTANTLY, I went out with Dan who didn't bring her thermometer.
Oh ya DA ZUI BA went too. Actually he got thermometer leh. I mean TWO even. But then because I figure that he thought nobody's checking on us today because the BESTEST Mrs Goh wasn't here today, then he went on forward to lend his to Diana who didn't bring... Then it's like V* Tan was there as he did that. And immediately after telling Diana to go out, she went to him and told him to go out too. It's like so pungsai lor! OMG!!! Those teachers suck man! It's like WHAT business about that is theirs...!? OMG...!!!!!

Totally can't tahan. For the entire morning I was filled with feelings of AN ANGRY TEEN. Then I was complaining and complaining away during flag raising. So GLAD I didn't bother to open my mouth for anything during all the singing and stuff. Omg~~~And all the while as I thought about having to pay $10 later on, I was really cursing like hell lor~It's like, I RATHER spend the money on eating on playing on buying HE YAO SHAN CDs than on this stupid exercise that is like so~~~Untahan-able. Can't stand man. Feel like burning the school down, AARGH!!!

Anyways luckily I needed to pay $1 to measure ear temperature only. It's like 100 over people there lor, the way I saw it. Luckily not $10, if not I would have transferred out of CCHMS by tml le, HMMPH!!! ^.^ SO BLARDEE STUPID~~~The STUPIDEST thing I've ever come across SO FAR - ALL MY LIFE, in CCHMS. OK. Anyways my temperature was 36.9, woah, so great, I queued up so long for this~Omg it was so EXCITING~~~It wasn't hot and the crowd was nothing compared to an S.H.E autographing session but SORRY~I rather be found sweating like raining and smelling all that BO in a S.H.E autographing session than TO BE THERE, hmmph! Qi4 si3 wo3 le~~~

Whatever lar. And that's all lor. But I'm still feeling UNHAPPY about this, hmmph! I know it's my own fault I'm lazee I heck everything BUT AS ALWAYS, I shall never make life difficult for myself - Just be ANGRY at the stupid school, AARGH!

Then that would be all.

You know what, although I'm a really guai1 student and everything. But I never like schools a bit, not the one now. I like the environment the "ability" to play with people in there, but not the thing about the way the whole system rocks. It just SUCKS~~~Ok? In the eyes of JUSTICE (that is, ME)...!!! HAHAHA. OMG I'm so FREAKING PISSED~!~!~!~~~

Anyways now I finally realize the big chance when you grow up to be a teen from a kid.
Last time, I would not question the rules and always feel sorry ab bad when I'm faced with authority. There is no idea of this SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS,of what I think is RIGHT and how thing should be DONE, MY WAY. But now, I QUESTION virtually everything and is filled with rage and mistrust the mmt I'm faced with authority, in a way like... Teachers forcing us to do homework...? I mean because it's like, to me, I have a very CLEAR idea of what I'm doing and WHY I am doing this. And when I'm so sure of something, I HATE it when others challenge me, needless to say on a "domineering" tone just because... They are OLDER than me. For example slacking, I know it's BAD to slack all this year, but I just let myself do it; Because I have this VERY CLEAR IDEA in my head that, EVENTUALLY, I won't allow myself to fail, and I'm not aiming to be the BEST right now, I just want to live through the moment and WORK HARD when I feel it's ABSOLUTELY neccessary. Thus I don't see the reason last time when my mother yelled at me whenever I'm playing my comp... I mean, I REALLY have this very CLEAR idea of what I'm going to do already, so I'll appreciate if nobody interferes~Anyways eventually she doesn't bother about my homework that much now. And that's that. I guess that's why I'm not sadden abt failures anyways, because I allowed them to happen... It's like you just know that you're going to put things back later on, YEAH?

Whatever lar.
It's like... I have my own rules that I know and I will ABSOLUTELY follow, and I think I'm perfectly fine that way~

Dunno leh~It's just a period in life to be gone through~I guess. TEENAGE ANGST, aargh~~~
Guess I'll end here. :P


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