Sunday, November 21, 2004


HOHOHO... Back from 'walking around'. :P KK larz. I tell you hor, if I really have the capability so spend without worrying abt burning a hole in my pocket one day... I think I WILL NOT hesitate to spend hundreds in a day lor... Then I can finally get over my 'dilemma' when choosing btwn. clothes with diff. colours... Just buy ALL colours HAHAHA!!! Then can save time on changing and all that also... Just pick and buy, woah I LOVE that!

But obviously I can't do that... >.<

Uh... Anyways... And then I was listening to ENCORE on my mp3, as always...
It still sounded as impressive and as good as ever... Omg... And the more I listen to all those gao1 yin1s that HEBE biao1, the more I like her HAHAHA. Can't stand it man~~~Her singing is TOTALLY my cup of tea! HEEHEEHEE!!! Because it's like as much as I think STEFFIE SUNNIE has the bestest voice I've ever heard, she never biao1 gao1 yin1 that much... And MAYBE she does, but the SORT of gao1 yin1 she biao1 not entirely what I like the... ANYWAYS, for a perfect demonstration of what I think is HEAVENLY SINGING - Ask Hebe! @:)

Omg love my mp3 lor... Oh ya and I decided to wait b4 I buy new earbud headsets le... Cuz Sennheiser is coming up with new ones that are more geared for mp3 players... :P And I wanna buy the SILVER-coloured one! ALWAYS wanted to get a SILVER-coloured one... HEEHEEHEE... I guess it'll cost from $40-$60. But NVM... Even if I STARVE myself practically, I MUST get it. I'm not really that tight on my pocket when it comes to entertainment... ^.^

That's why I would go for iRiver... A dollar for "a worth" =.= mah. You know,一分钱一分货... It's like I've BOUGHT other discmans and all that b4, and everytime I kept the budget low... Erm anyways in the end it's like I dumped all of them to my relatives or whatsoever... HOHOHO... I'd say my COMPUTER & my current iRiver ifp-1095 are my *MOST VALUED* possessions... (: Cuz I'm MORE willing to care for them anyways. Maybe not my comp. lar, cuz I'm starting to hate it hanging and running low on harddisk space... (120gb, now left with less than 1 gb...)... But my mp3 player is REALLY super well taken care of lor! Never took it out of the protective casing much... :P

And it's like, anyone can never think abt stealing it from me... Unless they want to ROB. Cuz I DO carry my mp3 player around with me, WHEREVER I go. Cuz I absolutely love it! HAHAHA... As for my hp, I loved it a lot when I just had it lar... Now I also treat it like garbage hahaha anyhow dump here dump there lar... Don't bother to on/ reply SMSes/ return calls etc. etc... That time water got inside and I wasn't tensed up at all lor... Uh. Basically I'm just a very PRACTICAL person, yes. :P

Anyways... What's the GREATEST decision I've made this life!?!?!?...

Buying iRiver ifp-1095...

KKz... Then I had CLAYPOT FROG or whatever it is today... + Coke... I love COLD soft drinks HAHAHA. FRANKLY speaking, 95% of the water I've drank ALL MY LIFE is really soft drinks lor... That's why I'm not that healthy I guess~~~But I also have no big major problems... HMMsie. :P Anyways... Then I realized I made a great mistake by not ordering porridge... It's like "URGH!" "AARGH!" "YUCK!" when you just eat frog meat alone... Then as my teeth sink down on the food, sorting out of the bone... It's like "OMG!" "AAH AAH AAH!!!"... But it was nice, though. I think FROG MEAT is absolutely delicious. Though it's like so... SINFUL. Heck. Anyways it's like I watched this FROG DISSECTION video during the extension week... But it never bothered me as I ate anyways. I mean I would think of it, but the eating goes on. :P COME ON~~~It's like FOOD~~~A DELICACY!!! I'm not that dumb or stupid to give up on enjoying just because of blah blah bleah...

Anyway... I do think I REALLY love to 享受人生 a lot... HAHAHA...
Erm~~~It's like... I really absolutely love eating out with peep, slacking the entire afternoon... Chit-chatting... Letting time pass-by as I simply ENJOY the feel mood and atmosphere outside... HAHAHA... Really lor. It's like towards Term 4 right. I'm really PRACTICALLY eating out 5 days a week... 80% of the time I'm out eating after school..... And for one, I REALLY don't mind going all the way ANYWHERE just to enjoy the food there or whatsoever.....

So they say people with round and plumb fingers enjoy life a lot... I guess I do HAHAHA... HAIZ~~~It's like I really simply love PAMPERING myself lor... I ALLOW myself to be bad and mean and lazee most of the time... And all that... As long as I'm ENJOYING it. :P

HOHOHO then it's like I wouldn't mind taking a SUPER LONG bus ride and sleep thru' out the journey... Enjoying the air-con... While I could have taken the MRT and reached home in less than half an hour.....

Well... Enjoying life to me is also WASTING time... :P

Whatevers~That's abt all for today. ^.^

Anyways... My idea is also that you earn money to spend them... Etc. etc... You work so that you can SLACK a lot...


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