Thursday, November 18, 2004

Aiyo I was bo liao bo liao just now surfing around... Then discovered the this song that I have very deep impressions of, from since when I was young in Cheena, goes like this...

It's actually VERY meaningful leh. Omg I had SO MUCH taste from since I was a kid...
And the part when it goes abt... "当青春剩下日记 乌丝就要变成白发"... It's like, I can't find an exact word for this *feel*, but I've always liked this sort of *atmosphere* in songs... Umm... Maybe it's 沧桑...?

And I really like that sort of feeling invoked with those words in bold too. ^.^

Anyways I kinda remembered there was this show I watched in Cheena too... It was tradgedical to a CERTAIN standard le... I think this song was the theme song inside or what... Hmms. Coming to think abt it now, I watched LOADS of those cry cry cry shows when I was young. =.= And those are the ones that left a whole load of impressions on me. ^.^ In fact I read 三毛流浪记 a lot when I was young lor... The lil boy inside cham4 until a certain standard le. And I remember the very last few pages have a similar *atmosphere* and *feel* to them with this song...? As in, I think 3 Hair was like, looking at a city bustling so bright, and so on and so forth... But there's nowhere to be home. I mean inside the story he's been here and there, tried all his might, did the best he could... And when he thought he finally found somewhere to belong, disasters happen yet again... And so he venture here and forth... And all that, and in the end - In this sort of "美丽新世界" whereby he sees families and happy kids, and all that, and he's still all alone~

Thinking abt it now... I think the book that I read was one full of illustrations only one... HAIYO no wodner my understanding so good... ^.^ Because books like that do make you interpret things and etc. mah hahaha.


Woo 我知道 半夜的星星会唱歌
想家的夜晚 它就这样和我一唱一和
我知道 午后的清风会唱歌
童年的蝉声 它总是跟风一唱一和

当手中握住繁华 心情却变得荒芜
才发现世上 一切都会变卦

当青春剩下日记 乌丝就要变成白发
不变的只有那首歌 在心中 来回的唱

Yeh woo =.=
妈妈的心呀 鲁冰花

乡的茶园开满花 妈妈的心肝在天涯
夜夜想起妈妈的话 闪闪的泪光

鲁冰花 啊 Woo


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