Saturday, November 20, 2004

Wah sey... I suddenly think being a PHOTOGRAPHER really SUPER cool leh. Omg. Tt's so COOL HAHAHA. Anyways lemme recommend a site here:


Erm it's like got all those celebrity photos inside... Super cool the. :P Taken from their events lar etc. etc. Got MY S.H.E, and others like Stefanie Sun, Jay Chou, Jolin F.I.R Zhen Yuan Chang etc. etc... Hao3 ku4 orh!!! I feel like being a REPORTER who goes around chasing after stars just to take photos also HAHAHA...

Anyways I think photographing really very cool. HMMsie.

Anyways I finally put all CHALET photos online @:

I shall paste some here too...

I think the photo below was very well-taken... Wahz, the STRUCUTRE lar, the PERSPECTIVE lar OMG I rock! HAHAHA...

While the one above comes across as zhong4 xin1 bu4 wen3...

I think this one above comes across as well-composed... Except for that stupid block on the left, aargh!

Colours should have been brighter... :P

This was REALLY nice... Great colours too. Except for that 2 ghostly figures there... ><. Spoiling the whole HARMONY... AARGH!!! Hahaz...

This was OK, if not a lil messy... :P

This would have looked really nice if I went in nearer so that those woody stuffs at the top part cannot be seen I guess... :P

Anyways I really think my photographing skills rock HAHAHA.
It's like the other day also I watched this WQYL thing on how to look good when taking photos of yourself... Zi4 pai1... HAIYOYO it's like I NEVER learn from anyone but figured all those out myself le lor HAHAHA... OMG I rock!!!

Next time I wanna open a she4 ying3 zhan3!!! HAHAZ.....

The thing abt taking photos is that... Make use of natural lighting as much as possible, don't back-face the light source... And ALWAYs take time to find perspectives, so that the contours/ shape of the object you're going to take is really fine-tuned... Erm~Then there must be this feel balance and harmony etc. etc... Haiyo basically learn from the genius. :P

Oh ya, when taking photos of people, what is ABSOLUTELY un-tahanable is putting the focus on the sceneries... Or like... Only took the head + shoulder... Then the top part of the photo is like EXPOSED to the background... That sucks lor~~~The focus must FILL the whole photo enough...

Blah blah blah.....


Blogger Michhhh x said...

waliao eh the music on ur blog is damn loud and noisy, i got scolded by my bro when it suddenly blasted out.

anyway, which bishan converse? junction8?

ur photos cant be seen leh.

7:25 PM  

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