Saturday, November 20, 2004

Sky arh..... I'm TOTALLY IN LOVE with ENCORE - Uptil now.
For ONE who has a SERIOUS fonding of 喜新厌旧 (and I love myself tt way...), S.H.E's one of the few exceptions to the rule... :P Cuz this album so ABSOLUTELY rocked!

Oh man~~~ENCORE is one album tt I can listen to WITHOUT skipping tracks and that is like so "WOAH!" "ARH!" "OMG!" because I LOVE prejudicing... Sky arh... But OK, sometimes I would just keep on listening to - 痛快.我爱你.金钟罩铁布衫&不在场... :P I just love that feeling when I enclose my ears to a world of S.H.E music, blasting out loud, heck caring the things/ pple around me... HAHAHA!!! You know what, if I wanna walk FAST&QUICK into school, all I needed would be a fast number from S.H.E and I'll be all ENERGISED & PIPED-UP to speed!

Anyways. ENCORE is really like my MOST FAVOURITE album ALL MY LIFE. If S.H.E's coming down to autograph this, I would feel like buying MORE COPIES... Then while I get to see them longer, I get to keep the autographed booklets to myself ((can sell leh HAHAHA)) and dump the CDs to those who need RESCUE!!! As in, those who are deaf enough to have never heard the GOODNESS of ENCORE... Save up on buying birthday gifts as well. :P HAHAHA!!! Hao3 cheap orh!!! Anyways, another of my life's philosophy is: BE CHEAP-SKATE HAHAHA.

Anyways I shall post photos of the CONVERSE bag that I bought at 50% off... HAHAHA... ((Another wonderful demonstration of being cheap-skate~))


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