Thursday, December 02, 2004

AIYOYO~~~My poor right ear... =__=
Anyways... Listening to AURORA right now. ^.^ Angela Chang's new album...

Aah, it's like, I even started listening to her 1st album only because Hebe praised her b4. HOHOHO. (: Never liked her much. Cuz she acted in those dumb idol dramas that are a TOTAL turn-off for me... And I really think she looks HOPELESSLY ugly inside MVP Valentine lor... Omg~~~It's like one look at the cast and I don't feel like even getting the show a try. :P Heeheehee.

She still never look any more good-looking to me, in all cases.
But her voice IS good. Aah... Apart from the fact that the opening music for Tian1 Bian sounded TOTALLY like Wang2 Zi3 Mian4... She's OK to me lar. But then I'm prejudiced against her because her "marketing strategy" or whatever you call that is VERY similar to Steffie Sunnie too... But KK lar. Since I never liked any other singer that much anyways... Heeheehee... ^.^

And I shall listen to her songs only because of Hebe. (:



You know that time I was out buying stuff at my house there... Saw this chocolate + white-furred POMERANIAN... So super duper cute! And did anyone say POMERANIANs are crazy and love to bark...? It didn't AT ALL!!!

And it was like sniffing here and there walking in a really cute and energetic and curious manner... And I was like TOTALLY feel like rushing up and giving it a HUGE HUG!!! OMG...

If the owner wasn't there I would have SMUGGLED it home le I tell you... SO CUTE lor~~~OMG..... >< I want a POMERANIAN...

Anyways I've been considering mix breeds lately also... Cuz I actually look forward to the Toy Poodle's being ranked 2nd for Intelligence... And was wondering abt getting a mix breed of POMERANIAN + TOY POODLE. No shedding problem... And mix breeds tend to be cheaper and more hardy/ healthy... DUNNO leh.

I want anything with a POMERANIAN lar!!!

But I'm really going thru' a lot of things and questions in my head b4 I'm really getting a dog, really. :P Because I've decided - Ok I'm not going to buy a pet that can die in a year... But a company that'll be with me fr 15 years or more. And all it has IS me, therefore I have to THINK carefully b4 I even buy one.....

Haiya~~~I really want a Pompie lar... :(


Blogger Michhhh x said...

hahas they say angela copy steffie sun.
my friend picked up a pomeranian and she says she can give it to meeeeee!!


teeheehee. aniwaes, can send me mayday's jue qiang?


thanks ernie! love ya x)

1:02 PM  
Blogger Michhhh x said...

oya do u have hu yan zhu's waiting for you?

he's really cute! x)

send me too okieee?

thanks! (:

1:22 PM  

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