Thursday, December 02, 2004

Heyhey~I started playing this RPG yesterday...

The review for it was like SUPERB, an average of 9+/10 online therefore I decided to try it out lor...

And in the end, yepyeps, I think it *IS* rather cool. (:
As always, I play games with a male character, hohoho. Most leads are male by default, anyways... Then you can choose the looks the leh... Then I scroll here and there, all rather chou3 and HAIZ... Nvm, settled for a more baddie-looking look. HAHAHA. That sort of you know, MURDEROUS look. Erm, well, then the game voice talents are nicely done... And you can actually make LOTs of different choices [of what you're gonna say] as you converse... Now that's cool, because you will keep on generating diff. responses and ultimately your choices reflect whether your character is towards the Dark Side or the Light Side.

For example I love to probe at people's secrets as I talk to them, but then I didn't have the guts to choose the options that ARE really offensive lar... But nevertheless, my initial status was a puny bit towards the DARK SIDE. bWaHaHa!!! I love being the BAD GUY nevertheless nowadays... Heeheehee.

Then I saw this few "loansharks" (in our terms) threatening some old guy... HO, in an attempt to gain Carth's trust (my party member... so that all his secrets will be mine! hahaha), I went over to help. And when those peeps are dealt with, I can actually choose to help the guy pay off his debts/ do nothing/ GET him to hand over the 50 credits he have. I'm very compelled to do the last lar... But seeing it's a old guy and I just helped him, I GENEROUSLY gave him full 100 credits. Ku4 bah! Then instantly I gained points towards the LIGHT SIDE.

HOHOHO. I think this will be a really fun game worth replaying. ^.^
You know the thing abt me playing RPGs is that my character will always end up bu2 zhenh4 bu2 xie2... Not exactly towards the righteous side and not exactly towards the evil side... Cuz in this sort of RPGs right, I also don't like to anyhow kill people mah, then sometimes I feel like it then I will help people out. But I LOVE to zhan4 xiao3 pian2 yi2... As always... And therefore it's like...? WHERE is my stand? Kekeke...

There was this RPG lar, that works in the way that if you go into somebody's hse and open chests, you'll be given negative values... Then obviously my character like become... Bad until a certain standard. Cuz WHATEVER game I play, I love to click around for items to pick up... I NEVER spend my $$ the... HAHAHA!!! That's the funny thing. For eg. FF8, I can swear I've NEVER ever bought a single potion/ that sort of thing... And it's like way before the game end I already have the maximum amt. of Gils le. ^.^

Anyways, non-linear gameplay experiences are rather cool, heh. Though they are still guided by a linear "mainstream". Anyways, if you have been Computer-wise at all, you will realize that RPGs nowadays are heading towards giving you a non-linear experience, open endings, sidequests... etc. The thing abt such games is that ultimately the choices you make will reflect on your character's... Character...? As in eventually he or she will become a GOOD person or a ROTTEN EGG... Then as a result of this, different NPCs (non-playable characters for the tooties) will respond to your character differently... And even the plot may be influenced and eventually - - - Leading to diff. endings lar.

Ku4 bah. Then such games often have this certain lvl. of replay value to them as you try out other things. (:

I think Star Wars: Knights of The Old Republic seems rather cool leh~Though I kind of... Despise Star Wars stuff. So outlandish.
It already has a sequel coming out... Knights of The Old Republic II: The Sith Lords.
Heard that the gameplay is even more refined... Now there's this INFLUENCE system as well... As in, if you're MORE influential towards your party members, they're more LIKELY to side with you whichever side you turn to... Ku4 bah!

AIYO~Besides this I'm watching out for the following games as well...

Final Fantasy XII
Dark Cloud 3
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time ((AIYO everywhere I see online say until like super nice lidat... Then I decided to give this Action game a try mah))
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas ((Oh you ARE the BAD GUY in this game. I love this game because it's so FUN to fa1 xie4 lor... bWaHaHa!!! Unleash all the EVILNESS in me... :P This game takes place in an urban setting... Very real... Then you can HITCH buses and ride ALL around knocking into buildings ignoring traffic lights hearing your passengers SCREM~~~ <--- Now that's what I enjoyed doing the most in this game so far... bWaHaHa.))

HOHOHO~~~Music + Videogames + Computers ROCK my world~~~In Singapore lar.
Actually coming to think abt it... I also dunno why I started playing videogames leh... I mean the MOST I played back in Cheena was... Bricks...? =.=

Just as computers... OH... Maybe I'm just MADE TO BE HIGH-TECH. bWaHaHa.


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