Tuesday, November 30, 2004

AIYO anyways I'm feeling so kind out of a sudden today. I shall post some goodies online. HAHAHA.

http://www.imageshack.us/ - A nice site to host your images. I put all mine there... HAHAHA it's like they would even auto-generate thumbnails for you, sky arh.

http://www.pbase.com/pagantsai/ - Gallery to go to for TAIWAN yi4 ren2 the photos! Somemore is like very exclusive, unseen on magazines/ TV and all that the... Got ***S.H.E*** Jolin Steffie Sunnie Jay Chou Chi-Ling (that stupid woman HAHAHA) Jacky Cheung Fishy Leongie 2046 Zheng Yuan Chang F.I.R etc. etc...

http://www.btchina.net/ - Can go here to search for TAIWAN/ any other videos/ games/ software/ etc etc. to download... Even English/ Korean/ Japanese stuff like Friends and all that... =.=

But before you can download those .torrent files, you need to download a Bittorrent Client, from http://www.bitcomet.com or http://bittornado.com/... Bitcomet would be more suitable for TOOT TOOT newbie users because the interface is very user-friendly... But Bittornado connects faster and downloads faster... I think. :P

Ok, then the idea behind BitTorrent is to share files (even huge files of more than gigs...) online. The idea is that SOMEONE will host the file online, become a *seeder*, then those people who download seeds (which are files with .torrent extension) from websites such as http://www.100kan.com are able to download from the SEEDER.

Then as they download, they will be "uploading" as well. Ok, as in, as they download their file, they'll be SHARING those bits they've downloaded to others as well... It works in the sense that as more people download, more BANDWIDTH will be available so EVENTUALLY it brings abt a effect that EVERYONE can have speedy downloads. Yepyep. Then if someone's kind they can just leave their "task" there after they've finished downloading, then they become another SEEDER also...

But the thing abt BitTorrent downloads is that you have to depend on other people's demand and for people to distribute the things that you want lar... Therefore it's like maybe you saw this content today, 3 days later it's no longer available le. Take note of that, yeah. :P

Anyways that's how I've been getting my S.H.E videos HOHOHO. ^.^ Ku4 bah! 我好厉害哦~~~
HAIz. It's like I emphatise those people who are still like P2P (peer-to-peer) clients like Kazaa lor HOHOHO... 笨头笨脑的~~~

http://www.yousendit.com - Then this site is very HANDY for transferring stuff to people/ or like... Sharing stuff with a limited crowd...?

Ok. ((The GENIUS is here to explain again HAHAHA)). The idea is that you may want to send this mp3 or video or any other file to someone, but attachments have a limit of say... 3 mb? But yousendit.com does not. You can send a file up to 1 gb ((and that's like... HOW big.))... Then e-mail the file to someone... The thing is that the recipient would be able to retreive the file easily and the download speed is fast too. Of cuz you can send the link generated to more than one person lar... Then the thing abt yousendit.com is that the file has a certain bandwidth limit and expires eventually... Therefore it's suitable for personal usage only... :P

Oh then the BESTEST site in the whole internet would be this blog le HAHAHA.
After reading this blog even the dumbest person will become a SMARTie HEEHEEHEE. ^.^

Sky arh~~~I REALLY REALLY REALLY love myself man. For being such a genius... HAHAHA!!! XD~~~


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