Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Anyways, I would like to recommend a song also. Feel like doing so suddenly lar. Nothing to do anyways. Can't blame me. Finished Star Wars le. :(

I heard it long ago lar, and always kinda remembered it... Because it's pretty RARE for a Faye Wong song to attract me, and remembered things like 反反复复... Then I went home to search to see which song it is, but never quite succeeded. :( Then many months later, I heard Hebe recommending this Faye Wong song on radio. Then I listened to - 我也不想这样!!! I never thought the title for that song would be that lor, because there's all this rhything with the "u"-ending sound... Then I thought was 执迷不悟. Anyways, this song is really nice lar~Though I would prefer Hebe sing it. ^.^

Then there's 百年孤寂... Ella love to sing this song a lot. =___= I think I've heard her imitating this one for 3 times or so le... It's ok lar~Also have a special twist at the chorus there. I love songs that changes its like, er, "mood" a lot... PERFECT DEMONSTRATION: Wo3 Ai4 Ni3!!! Quite nice lar anyways~

So I recommend this 2 songs.

And the Karen Mok's 左岸右转.

We should stop listening to catchy jingles for awhile, then LEARN & TRY to appreciate music that doesn't... Really make a lot of sense to normal people. HAHAHA! ^.^

The best choice to UPGRADE one's taste in music will be, of cuz - ENCORE. (: This is a statement, not advertisement.


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