Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Wahz. I completed Star Wars last night lar. :(
I thought the game was lacking something in the middle, though, after seeing the ending. Because it's like after I got Ebon Hawk, all I do is visit different planets getting Star Maps. I would have hoped for more storyline after that to escalate to the final confrontation. But there wasn't. :( More internal struggle btwn. the diff. characters. Oh. More dramatization. Betrayal. Romance. Warfare. Bloodshed. Mystery. Suspicion. People around you die one by one. Oh. All that kind of thing. etc. etc. Anything to make things BIG. Oh. That leaves one gap there.

Anyways. I really like the gaming system though. The very fact that your party members respond to your different "conversation choices" and all that.

Oh and anyways I heard there's the element of romance for female main character too. ^^" But unfortunately it's with that Carth guy in the party, one with serious "TRUSTING" problems and I couldn't love more than probing into his private affairs and picking fights with him with provoking words cuz he is JUST SO irritating. Uh... Then the other option seems to be homosexuality. =.= I'm like @______@ HOMOSEXUALITY in a videogame!? Omg... Somemore it's with this really freaky-looking Jedi who once fell to the dark side... No comments. +___+ She looked like a cat face on a human body lor, if you ask me. And that DISGUSTING accent. >.<

Anyways~But I think like they say~It's those pick-up lines in the game that really spices the atmosphere up. :D Hahaha. So cool lor~~~I would expect a really extensive gameplay system in the game where-by you could practically START FIGHTS with your own party members or just MOCK at them like there's no tml and all that leh... For eg. I love annoying this old man in my party as well. Cuz he just looks so "annoyable" to me, bWaHaHa.

Overall it's the GAMEPLAY system abt this game that won me over, really. I would say FF series always score 6.5/10 something or what for gameplay to me. But this games earns a 8.8... Or 9. something even... Ku4 lor!

Heeheehee~~~I haven't even had my breakfast yet lar. :(
Listening to - Wo3 Ai4 Ni3 - ... Oh~~~Love this song. HAHAHA.

Omg... This song ROCKS~~~~~And the MV too!!! the story behind it!!! Though it sounds like an ABSOLUTE FAIRY-TALE to me. Kekeke. It's like... Tis song is even less than 4 minutes... But everytime I finish listening to it I feel like I've lived thru' those 50 years, and all that lor... Oh... So cool a song. (: the way it brings you from 抒情 to 澎湃... I REALLY like that transition lor. XD OMG~~~Love this song, totally, yepyeps.

HOHOHO~~~Games and music provide all the nutrients I need in order to live happily on this Earth. :D Can't imagine me without computers and all that in Singapore, I WOULD die from BOREDOM & FRUSTRATION & all that I tell you... The greatest things that happened to me being away from home will be learning abt computers, videogames, and all that. + S.H.E!!! HEEHEEHEE!!! Coming to think abt it, I think I REALLY started listening to music ONLY after I really like S.H.E. Before that, let's just say I don't care a puny bit abt pop music. But S.H.E~HOHOHO~~~S.H.E magic. :D

Anyways that'll be all. Off to feed my stomach. But I really lazee to go out beat bun lar... AIYO~~~And I'm sick and tired of nuo4 mi3 ji1 le... Oh! I think I'll get instant noodles. Very long never eat them le. Poor me. 自生自灭 at the mmt. Totally. :'( If only I had a dog I could take it out strolling and be a PROUD owner. HAIIIII~~~


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