Monday, December 06, 2004

S.H.E Rocks...

Omg I could never get tired of this phrase, went to Seng Kang today...
On my way and as I return I kept on listening to ENCORE... And still I find this album absolutely nice. The least bit tired of it, totally, OMG~~~

TOTALLY love the song Wo3 Ai4 Ni3 lor... OMG~~~
崇拜死Hebe了啦!!!怎么会唱到那么好听呢!?!?!?简直是禽兽... ^^" 一点人性都没有...因为人怎么能唱到那样...天啊...好听到无法无天、人神共愤、天理不容、丧尽天良!!! XD~~~

She's my SUPER * STAR~bWaHaHa. :D

Even my mother knows how much I like them, hehhehheh. And I kept on telling her like "You cannot compare someone who likes S.H.E with someone who likes singers such as *4." "Fans of diff. singers are of DIFFERENT STANDARDS." "And by liking S.H.E, I've actually made my life more worthwhile, more fun-filled and richer" "And I learn from S.H.E all the good things while others just WASTE away their money liking some other singers worthless of liking" etc. etc... HAHAHA!!! PERFECTLY biased, yes! @:)

OMG~~~Wo3 Ai4 Ni3 tai44444444444444... Hao3 ting1 le!!!


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