Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Once again, I was playing Star Wars: KoTOR!!!
Hehhehheh~~~Once I find something interesting... I plunge head-in! :D

Anyways, it wasn't to my surprise that the character I'm playing is, er... The Dark Lord. Revan. Turned on by his own apprentice. That sort of crap. ANYWAYS. But I didn't expected that it was the Jedi Council who restored the mind of my in-game character... That's rather dumb, all their crap abt "all life are sacred"~~~If I was living in those times I would REALLY enjoy... Well. Then if I was a Jedi, I would really make sure I command the Force, not let it guide me... Whatever.

Anyways playing the game is really all abt infiltrating enemy bases and all that to me... =__= But I prefer it to other RPGs anyways. Dungeons bore me. And at least this game is EASY, because I set it to Easy... Kekeke.

Whatever lar~I think this game rocks more than FFX even. Though FF still has the greatest-looking game characters... :D I mean, FFX is just a very polished FF product. FF series is all pretty much the same. Put in a cool/ hot-headed main character and all that... "Formula" I guess.

Oh ya, the genius part of me is unveiled today as I crack a code inside the game leh!
Actually, it's just basic Maths lar... And they even tell you what you're dealing with, Log, Multiplication, etc... :D

Anyways, this game has some *decent* problem-solving. When I say *decent* it means they are not annoying unlike some other RPGs I may have played. (: How I wish every RPG out there learn from this one. Open-ended. You develop the story to your course. Yet you don't get lost. Sidequests tie-in nicely as well. And all that~~~It's kind of trimmed to perfection in terms of gameplay and experience for me. (:


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