Friday, December 31, 2004

哦我的神啊 偶有新欢了

Liked her since The Twins Effect II lar... Cuz I was REALLY impressed with her 武打... Cool lor! Moreover her character was really cool~

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Heeheehee. ^.^ AIYA I love female artiste who have this 文静形象 to them lar ANYWAY~~~I mean, even HEBE DO look 文静 despite her CRAZY interior... :P Hahaz! But the bottom-line for any artiste will always be that they LOOK good lar~bWaHaHa!!!!! XD

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Anyways, TWINS songs are OK lar, I mean the MELODY. I really really cannot tahan the lyrics... They KILL me, literally.

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But I can't say their singing technique is all that great lar... Haven't heard a single 转音 or even 飙高音 from them so far... Thus HEBE wins HANDS-DOWN in terms of SINGING!!! :P Hahaz~

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Whatever lar... But I think Gillian very got 气质. Yepyeps. That's something S.H.E don't have 99.9999% of the time... ((And I love them for that. (:))

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Whatever lar~I love her in action movies!完全被酷到了我~据说她在朝打女迈进... YEAH!!!

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Hmmsie~Listening to Twins' Best Compilation album now... Melody-wise the songs are really ain't that bad leh. And the thing is that as far as I can see, all their songs are original bah. Even though the 作曲作词 is like 看来看去 都是那几个人... But melody-wise so far there's also a good variety bah. OH. If only GILLIAN was a TAIWANESE --- Oh~

HK stuff is really not my cup of tea... TOTALLY. I heard that you're doing nothing more than murder if you expect HK 作词者 to write songs like "两个人一起看雨停 白头的富士山美景 那种坚定和宁静 像以后的我和你..."... Therefore I was like... !?!?... No wonder I never liked the lyrics for NEVER MIND at first glance... Because it was written by a HK 作词家. I mean, because the way they use their Chinese is really not my cup of tea lor... So sad.

And of all those Chinese authors that I like, in fact ALL of them comes from TW as far as I can remember. :P ALL MY LIFE I haven't ever read a HK book I guess...


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