Sunday, December 26, 2004


天啊. Today I went to Sim Lim Sq. with my mother... Once again, the high-tech me went online to search for buses available. Ta dah - I got it and woo-hoo! - Off I went...

Basically arh, that place was crawling with people man! Sky arh. I was so amazed...
原来新加坡还是有很多高科技人士的,只是我认识的全都是电脑白痴...所以任他们是我的义务. XD~~~

Basically arh, I bought 25 pieces of DVD+R for $38... Meaning a total 117.5 gb. of goodness. :P
And a SENNHEISER MX 450! I was like asking at the shop where I bought my DVD+Rs whether the have SENNHEISER... Then the lady was like "No... Sennheiser very good izzit, a lot of people asked for it already..." - SEE! 高科技的世界~~~bWaHaHa!!!事实证明本人的的确确是个电器方面的天才~~~天哪那么我和喜碧不是很配?因为她是电器白痴...我电器白痴...可是我不唾弃她~因为她是Hebe. :D

I was pretty surprised to see it available le anyways... $29.90. Then I decided to walk a bit b4 finally buying... But in the end I also lazee to do so le and just went back to where I saw it being for sale and went straight to purchasing it! YEAH - Most of the time when I go shopping for computer stuffs arh, I already have a TOTALLY clear idea of what I wanna buy le. For eg. my comp. is also I walk straight into the stall and made clear what model I want the~酷吧!本人可是高科技人士呢~~~最受不了什么状况都搞不清楚的科技使用者了~

Anyways my beloved Sennheiser MX 450 comes with a carrying case/ winding cord or whatever you call that... But in the end I realize I should have no use of it. :$

Sky arh...好爱我的 Sennheiser MX 450 哦...
基本上呢,我觉得它的 bass 很好,极为浑厚s-neh~很震撼呢!
嗯~基本上用MX 450来听 ---我爱你--- 是一定的啦...粉不错哦~编曲听起来极其悠扬呢!

金钟罩铁布衫用MX 450 听起来好听得吓死人~~~
天啊我觉得它的人声处理得也极好耶!...好爱 Hebe 的歌声哦... :$ :$ :$

Aiyo 基本上我都是随便讲的啦~~~反正爱死我的 Sennheiser MX 450 了...
天啊好久没用 earphone 听歌了...好感动哦.可是基本上本人的耳朵连日来状况都不太 ok 啦,有点阻塞因此无法尽情享受... :(

现在在听 大女人主义 哦!

"可以大方让你到处去 多少红粉知己 没我吸引你"~~~ :D


"自尊~是一个战场 让我们 都受伤 明明~才爱到一半 感觉已经变酸..."
"寂寞大到空~旷 因你不在~场---"


爱死 mp3 player 了.
爱死 Sennheiser 了.
爱死 S.H.E 了~~~ :D

"让我们~保持微笑 给寂寞的人一些依靠"
"我们要~保持微笑 给孤单的人一种心情的拥抱"...


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