Thursday, December 23, 2004

Sky arh!!! I suddenly decided I MUST play 新絕代雙驕 Online lar...
S.H.E just sort of went online b4. They are endorsing that, afterall. But of cuz I'm not so dumb to place all my hopes there lar...重點 is so cute lor the graphics! :D

If really super fun I think I won't mind paying to play later on... Because you know most online RPGs right, is like maybe you pay $xxx to purchase points which you can deposit online... Then for eg. you play for 1 hour 10 points gone, lidat lor. So I'll just have to control my expenditure.

Anyways I sort of flipped thru' the Level Up mag just now... Almost died.
1 page of S.H.E only. =__=

But nvm! I love mags~~~And somehow I just have this pervertic pleasure from seeing nice screenshots of games... HAHAHA!!! Got a lot of online games that look SUPER cool lor! But~Er~90% of them unreachable in Singapore. :'(

Anyways, you know the thing abt online games nowadays...? It's like you easily have millions over of people playing them. Then I heard b4 that in Korea right, the industry got so big it's like play one major role in the economics lor..... No wonder all those RO lar come from Korea... Even Gunbound and Maplestory and all that ORIGINATED from Korea... But then~RO really sucked... To me... So bo liao~~~ >.< Luckily 3 something only. :P


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