Thursday, December 23, 2004

天啊 累死我了 在聽超快版的候鳥當中
You know WINDOWS MEDIA PLAYER 可以把 Play Speed 弄成 FAST 啊哈哈哈~~~
聽起來好愉快ㄛ...現在是 別說對不起 :D

Anyways! By the time I'm back today, I'm 大包小包...
One level-up mag S.H.E cover- $4.90
One VCD - $8.90
One S.H.E Game Package 新絕代雙驕 Online - $12...

In the end everytime I go out I come back not with the stuff that I initially wanted to buy or needed ((for eg. hats, wallet...))... And in the end I'll always have some S.H.E stuff on my hand. Oh they just rock so much~Hahaha!

Really lor, I can buy their stuff without hesitation. For eg. a mag - Oh S.H.E cover - BUY. While for other stuff I'll be like: Aiyo the colour not nice~I don't like the pattern~Too ex~Too cheap-skate~Blah blah blah...

Whatever lar. 累死我了. I've been to Orchard. Then Dhoby Ghaut (Plaza Singapura). Then Kovan (Heartland Mall) today... =___=

Oh ya, then I can't believe Grace actually wanted to play 新絕代雙驕 Online... I'm like KEPT ON discouraging her because I can foresee her "how to install" "how to use items" "how to login" "how to kill monsters" "how to level up" etc. etc. me... And I'll sincerely REGRET even telling her abt the game, YES. =.= Then I kept on telling her "你的智慧不適合玩 Online RPG" HOHOHO~~~

Whatever lar. Super 累. Just decided I shall stay home tml to recuperate...腳酸死~~~

Oh ya then as I came back once again I was listening to my S.H.E songs... Wahz~I really really love that sort of feeling lor. The whole world quiet around you. Then all you can hear is - MUSIC - through your ears! And normally for S.H.E songs, 我愛你 I SUPER like to turn the volume up up up... Because that feeling is totally - WAH! SHIOK!!!

Whatever lar~My comp. is KING at home, but outside, I could survive for hours on my mp3 player. :D HOHOHO my comp. and my mp3 player are my 2 MOST MOST prized possessions ALL MY LIFE uptill this point. 我人生的驕傲~~~來到新加坡最大的收穫~~~ @:)

Erm. Guess that's abt all. Lazee to blog more.
Off to enjoy my S.H.E goodies and watch the VCD perhaps. ^.^


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