Saturday, December 25, 2004

Heyhey, I went out today lar.
Hehhehheh. Actually also didn't do much leh. But I just love going out - YEAH!
Really leh~I think I'm that type of person whereby... As long as the crowd is right, I don't mind going out, maybe even AIMLESSLY...? I mean to some people maybe they would find it boring just going out to eat and talk and etc. But most of the time I'm ok with it, prerequisite being the other party must keep me entertained lar........ If not go out only I stare at you you stare at me 干脆直接杀了我吧~~~Unless the other party is like...小斌斌...? Then I would LOVE starring at him, bWaHaHa!!!!!!!! XD~~~ Edison also can lar~Anyone with LOOKS hahahas!!!

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HA. Don't you simply think the air is fresher outside? And that you feel more alive and full of energy outside? And to me, once I'm outside, more or less, I put all my troubles behind me, they sink in only when I'm alone. bWaHaHa. Whatever lar. I just love to ***SLACK*** & ENJOY LIFE. (:


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天啊我好酷哦... Anyways it's like while I was trying out the hats and checking myself out on my mp3 and conveniently taking photos of myself right, suddenly this girl who was some distance away talking with another girl came over and asked me miss miss what is your phone... Or whatever lar, I always forget what others ask me but only remember the IDEA of it... Anyways so the idea is that she was asking abt my PHONE... So I told her it's a mp3 player and being CAUGHT RED-HANDED taking photos of myself, and given my 羞耻之心, I walked away hurriedly feeling pai-seh... HAHAHA 被人抓到了嘛~~~而且我其实完全没买的打算... HAHAHA. XD!

Anyways I like this song! Heeheehee the 编曲 very nice~I love it when they rap "ENCORE ENCORE~~~" because it is the title of S.H.E's latest album! HAHAHA...

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Oh ya, then later on as we walked around I finally spotted something I wanna buy... A necklace arh, then it's like the pendant is this letter - "I" then on it are many puny sparkling... "Circles?" "Dots?" Hahaz... Then I think I'm very satisfied with it - "I", and sparkling~But then in the end also never buy, HAHAHA!

AIYO I would like to purchase a necklace with the pendant being a crown also lar... Because of KINGDOM HEARTS! I think it's cool leh~~~

Whatever lar. See first. Kekeke.


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