Friday, December 24, 2004

Sky arh... Today I kind of beaten my own record of the LATEST time I wake up... Uh, anyways, I woke up at 1.30 something. Ku4 bah~

Actually hor, the thing is I wake up EARLY, but I love to 賴床 continue dreaming... And just by doing that I take HOURS, therefore the LATE wake-up time. And normally why I would even get up is bcuz I cannot hold my bladder anymore le (lazee to get up mah)... Or my stomach is grumbling. :D

Basically I have this medication that I could never take. Bcuz it's supposed to be taken at morning, then everytime I wake up earliest 11+++... ^.^

Tried doing a lil bit of homework today lar~BIO~~~Only 1 or 2 pages... :$

Anyways I really really need to buy DVD+RWs fast le~Cuz I seriously want to format my comp... Got this other online RPG that I also wanted to try, but then I have problems with my Direct X installation lar... Etc. etc. so in the end I decided the best solution is to -FORMAT- my comp. Then with that, I can play both of 新絕代雙驕 Online & the 金庸 2 le! All Chinese games hor~Just realized... And all with servers in TAIWAN!!! Hahaha~~~

Whatever lar~The thing abt online RPGs is that they are very exciting and all that to me initially, but it really bores down after that. MOST of the time.

Anyways I'm just looking forward to my KoTOR 2 also... WAY better than FF!!! FF only appeals to me graphics-wise~~~Frankly speaking. The story is typical. The dialogue is boring. The battle system gets very routine (just ATTACK ATTACK & ATTACK)... Etc. etc.~~~The only thing I like abt this game is the character design and the graphics...

I mean, for such games, the plot is so typical. You WILL fall in love with this person. You WILL confront this person. You WILL make this decision. You WILL side with this person. Etc. etc. And every conflict ultimately results in - BATTLE. so typical lor~Cannot tahan LINEAR games nowadays... As in, the story is strictly as it is.

Like they say, KoTOR really open up an entirely refreshing RPG experience, HA!

Because it's like, you can take diplomatic/ aggressive or whatever type of approaches towards many things. For eg. you can persuade a shopkeeper to lower the price of something, then you can even further THREATEN if you want~Etc. etc. lar... Then sometimes it's like I open doors and run into houses, then the person inside starts saying what he wants to call the guards, then as usual there are choices as to PERSUADE him or talk around things or simply, the most direct method that I always employ - Make him silent, FOREVER. :P bWaHaHa!!!

But in the end my Jedi character is TOTALLY light-sided~~~I'm still thinking of should I replay as dark-sided anot... Hmmsie. ^.^

I really love the whole gameplay experience provided in KoTOR lar~I mean there are games that are very open-ended, too open-ended as to you don't even know what you're suppose to do, what the plot is... But KoTOR balances the plot with freedom of exploration very well. ^^.

Sky arh~~~Probably the most enjoyable RPG I've played uptill now lar. :D
HOHOHO can't wait for next year... Even more goodies coming up. :D KoTOR 2. S.H.E concert. KH 2. O' lvls [then I'm finally DONE & OVER with CHUNG CHENG, yeah!!! and 1 step closer to TOTAL SELF INDEPENDANCE! B)] Etc. etc.~~~In a way I worry abt the... Infinite possibilies of the future at times, not knowing what to expect. Other times I love the aspect of finally abandoning all this stupid studying and with the abilities to truly PURSUE what I want, and being in other places on my own... :D

I've thought over it leh! If the issues btwn. Taiwan and China was really solved one day.
Then if the 2 countries become 1, my ideal city of locating myself is -SHANGHAI-! Moreover I heard it's located near TW also, HOHOHO. Then if my mother didn't wanna come with me, she can return to my China relatives at Hainan, then I gao1 xing4 gao1 xing4 can easily go back too. :D Then basically I gao1 xing4 gao1 xing4 also can go TW. Then Shanghai easily being one of the most developed cities in China, surely have LOADS of stuff to keep me occupied. :D Moreover S.H.E's concert broke records over there so I should have a REALLY pleasant stay there, HA~!~!~!~~~Omg~~~And the 和平飯店 lar etc. etc... Sky arh 我好會規劃喔~~~

Shanghai really seems like a very ideal place to locate to, to me. :D Because of the huge exposure to ALL kinds of things... And it's near the coasts... If I'm not wrong... But then another possible choice will be 台北 lar heeheehee. ^.^ Sky arh~好期待喔!希望我不會一輩子都磨在新加坡...雖然很難說,因為我這麼懒. ^^" 可是做人就是要一輩子活得盡性,自由,去看世界各處的風景,豐富自己的視野嘛~~~So 我畢業後,基本上準備好後,就能好好生活再陌生的都市了吧!嘿嘿!

因為讀書的時侯比較能結識到人嘛~張大以後每個人則都差不多有了個自的人生與社交圈子了吧... So...ㄞ唷~~~可是不要緊!我還是要去上海去台灣,就算是一個人前往也好,因為我要為了體驗自己的人生而奮戰! bWaHaHa!!!反正我覺得我應該很OK~~~畢竟本人還蠻嚮往那種獨來獨往,自由地四處來去,基本上就是不管別人怎樣,自己認定了自己的方向就毫無牽掛地放下身旁的東西,來到陌生得氛圍~反正人生就是前進前進再前進~與其一味嘆息美好的過去~還不如動手創造更美好的未來啊~雖然說本人有時候也愛緬懷過去啦...可是---EH~有些東西啊,是一輩子都放不下的, ok?那些東西應該是你一路上攜帶的行李,而不是可以隨手丟棄的包袱.生命里總有些東西,是你身上永遠無法卸去的重量.不管時間怎樣過去啊,我們都遺忘了甚麼東西離開了甚麼人~總會有些特例深深植入腦海,那種執著是一輩子都無法撇棄的~失去了牠們也就等於否定了生命的本質本身了.


Then back to videogames hor... Even Kingdom Hearts is more fun than FF lor. The in-game cutscenes totally make me feel like I'm watching an animated film, then all those facial expressions - Cool! the battle system~I prefer the battle system in KH much much more than FF... But I think they can work towards an even more refined battle system by allowing more customizing options... Such as the one in Dark Cloud 2. Can synthesize and upgrade your weapons, etc. etc. ^.^


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