Friday, December 10, 2004

Hebe 古装记

I really think *my Bebe* suits the "ancient xia2 nv3 look very well..... ^.^ Anyways, like Selina said in the news, she looked like a PrIeSt lidat though... HAHAHA! But Hebe REALLY REALLY looks cool in gu3 zhuang1 lor, I think. (: I would really love to see her on big-screen in Ancient China, that sort of thing, you know...? Hahahz... :P

Ku4 bah! Though I think the clothes really sucks, hahaz...

Oh ya, anyways, today I watched a program called 幸福人100号...
Again, belong to the genre of those programs where-by the host chat with the guests about those more of, private matters and all that... I love to watch such shows lor! ONLY if they're talking abt S.H.E, though. Hahaha. Dunno lar~~~Maybe I'm just ba1 gua4 but I just love to hear them spectulating (?) abt their feelings lar, what they think of this and that lar, that sort of thing...

I think it's through such programs that you really get to know and understand someone's character, that sort of thing. And those talks are nutritional. :P Heeheehee.

Anyways, then that part abt who in S.H.E will give you headaches the most that sort of thing, I mean at one glance, you may think it's anyone but Ella. But it's like only when you listen to them talk, converse, share, then you know that in actual person, she's the type of people who love to absorb a lot of damage, suppress, hold back... Until she give an emotion outburst and shock everyone some dya. =__= Like not long ago. Hohoho I love to be ba1 gua4. Erm, dunno lar. As in, then at first I THOUGHT Selina would be the one who will pass this "stage" or whatever, because she appears to be the MOST positive person from the group to me. But it was actually HEBE, hahaha! Then they talk talk talk abt this and that. Hohoho and my ba1 gua4-ness is satisfied. :D I mean, dunno lar, I just like to learn more abt people that *interests* me~~~It's like, such knowledge won't really be of any use to me, but when I LISTEN to other people talk abt their own problems, their view of the world and that, I think I absorb a certain something from them, nourishment perhaps, and I instill in myself what I would need to grow up healthily and that's why I LOVE to watch such shows. They give me an insight into many areas of life that I've never thought abt b4 or never been exposed to. And well, I mean, when you see someone talking abt how they get stuck with their own problems as a by-stander naturally you would see the "light" and know how to actually deal with it right. Then as for me I would make a note to myself and this will help keep me in shape eventually. (: Yepyeps. Hohoho~~~

I mean, ACTUALLY for me as a person, I DO enjoy engaging in such conversations with people that I've known well enough. In a way it just makes me feel alive and become more aware of the world around me and therefore I learn to appreciate more, I GUESS.

Anyways, like Ella admitted, her problem is too 钻牛角尖... ((Aah you should have seen the way Hebe talked of it, I always like that calm, steady and collected composure abt her HOHOHO... I mean she analysed Ella very well and very clearly.)) Actually I think a lot of people EXHIBIT this problem lor. those who are kind-hearted. HOHOHO. Luckily I'm not. :P As in, her ULTIMATE & ONLY MOTIVE is for everyone to be happy, stay in harmony... etc. etc. This is the EXACT ideal that will push you into a lot of mental conflicts and all that, I think. Hmms~Whatever lar~Like I care anyways... ^.^

Hahaha. Dunno lar. I mean, I think it's ok for one person to hold onto certain things and all that. But when all the stress/ tension is OVERLOADING, that's the time to LET GO and not try to pull yourself tighter... What you should really do is to just SNAP & then piece yourself back together again after you're relieved... I think~~~I mean. It's just not wise to put all the blame in the world to yourself etc. etc.

Haiyo lazee to elaborate. May everyone have a happy day. HAHAHA.

I really have nothing to do~~~~~~~~HAI.


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