Saturday, December 11, 2004

Omg! I'm looking forward to KoTOR 2 even more leh!
Cuz the gaming system's interaction seems really more in-depth now. Uh, apart from INFLUENCE, where-by you have to figure out your party member's personality and SAY things he/ she likes and do things to impress him or her so that he or she sways to your ideals...

Uh, then according to my online research, the romance in the game is furthermore improved so that you can er... Hit on anyone? And INFLUENCE still has a role to play of cuz, then there may even be situations where-by... Jealousy btwn. party members happens...? HOHOHO that sounds like A LOT OF FUN to mess around with. :P

It's like... You know how many GAME OF THE YEAR awards KoTOR won...? This game totally ROCKS lor~~~Even much better than Final Fantasy, totally. KoTOR totally won me over from being a loyal fan of the FF series... HOHOHO. ^.^

The very fact abt KoTOR is, you hear dialogues everywhere - Except from your own character. Then all the dialouges ARE nicely acted out ((though I personally hate the SELKATH language, that gives me headache))... That IS really cool lor. I always thought the voice-acting in FF is erm... Completely sucky? ((Except for Rikku, hahaz...))..... I heard KoTOR 2 will even go further to lip-synch the on-screen characters properly to match their dialogue - NICE. :P Omg I really love this game!!!

I really like the way your party members actually have a story to tell, and all that in KoTOR... And the combat system is really nice too! I'd say it's like... MUCH BETTER than Final Fantasy in that aspect to me also, FF practically BORE me with the monotonity and never-changing style of its combats... But KoTOR is REALLY pretty fun. And there's always lots of alternatives to offer. (: For eg. you can overload computers, create short circuits... Hack into a droid and program it to attack your enemies for you... And you still earn XP points that way, cool!

Still considering whether I should re-play anot..... HMMsie.

I want to play KoTOR 2~~~

Anyways I just realized... S.H.E QI HUAN LE YUAN CONCERT coming soon!
Oh yes BABY!!!!!!!! God knows ADRENALINE just gushes into my bloodstream at the very thought of that~!~!~!~~~I'm going to have the NIGHT OF A LIFETIME. The ONE NIGHT that has given me ALL the reason to feel happy and contented on this Earth, HOHOHO. ^.^

2 things to look forward to that keeps me breathing...:

KoTOR 2!

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