Sunday, December 19, 2004

Wahz~My 心情平復 a lot after watching some S.H.E videos, HAHAHA.
It's during the time of their 青春株式會社 the... Super cool lor~Then as I listened to them talk, INDEED Hebe looked really fierce to me then~Er~Because they were talking abt once Ella was crying and 一直唸一直唸 then Hebe 個性一急, 火大就摔滑鼠... @@ 果然好兇咧~~~

Anyways I prefer Hebe personality-wise then lar... Cuz she's super hyperactive and noisy on TV then. Now she's matured and all that I guess~And like they said, "HOLD BACK" a lot of OS le~Because she's very straight-forward what, then 會得罪人. ^.^

Anyways it's like like I said I cannot take too deep a breath or whatever... Therefore it's like as I erupted with laughter it HURTS a whole lot at my ribs there as well... =___= 痛並快樂著... ^^"

Whatever lar. 好酷ㄛ. Then my cousin was telling me she saw their concert ad. on TV... Then PROUDLY, I told her, I'm going leh, the $150 seat... 9th row... bWaHaHa!!!

Can't wait lar~~~Actually it's like... I almost 80% know all the contents le, then also saw QUITE A LOT of their costumes, I mean, ALL... (?) Of their costumes online...??? And they look TOTALLY cool lor. As always, HEBE. :P

Oh I just found their 得獎感言ㄌ... :D


At the autographing session in HK... :D S.H.E 太紅ㄌ, bWaHaHa!!! I'm so proud of myself~~~A PROFESSIONAL photo-finder. :D I rock at SCAVENGING goodies from online lor. (:

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Ok I shouldn't be always so biased. Uh, Ella looked rather good as well. HAHAHA. (敷衍)

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Then by far I LOVE Ella in this hairstyle the BEST leh, dunno why, just thought it looked PERFECT on her the instant I saw it. :D 好酷ㄛ~~~ I think the way her hair overlaps looks really nice. (: And then the highlights~

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Actually Hebe looks really nice also... :D 天ㄚ我在排斥 Selina... HAHAHA!

Anyways I just realize I like to 品頭論足 abt people a lot, no, I mean abt 藝人s... Ok lar, maybe anyone that I dunno. HAHAHA. I just love commenting here and there, heeheehee!!! ^.^ But the thing is that even as I COMMENT abt people I'm very objective, bWaHaHa. 我太利害ㄌ... Note it's COMMENTING not gossiping. :P

Anyways my throat feels very... Er, dunno how to describe. Sky arh. First time in years I'm having some sort of problem with my throat, excluding fevers and colds and all that lar. Dunno leh. Er, it's like, bitter and "burning"...? Dunno lar. POOR ME. HAI. HAI. HAI.


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