Tuesday, January 18, 2005


Omg... You know what, I'm REALLY seriously considering what occupation I might want to go into next time leh.

The highest possiblity ones are currently: Interior Designer (OMG I just found out my GILLIAN wanted to be one too! HOHOHO), those sort of people working on ads, work on magazines...? Etc. etc... Then my ULTIMATE final goal is to open a bookshop of my own HAHAHA. I like bookshops what~And to inspire people to cultivate the habit of reading too. :D Hahaz.....

Anyways it's like... INTERIOR DESIGNING seems really ok to me leh. I mean from whichever angle I inspect it, it seems pretty fine to me. Though I may need HELP with all that drawing... But, I'll see lar.

And as for working on ads, if I'm working in Singapore, I just thought I need to save the people. OMG those ads are hopelessly boring and so super informative lor! I mean I even had this cool idea already, make an ad in ENTIRELY b&w... I mean surely that would STAND OUT!? Hahaz... Opposed to all that flashy colours other ads use hahaha. 复古 mah~I like those sort of ads that go in stories too... If I were to make one I figure I would want to come up with one that has SUSPENSE, UNIQUENESS and able to stand on its own so that people don't have to watch ALL the ads to find out what it's abt... HOHOHO 酷吧!!!

As for magazines of cuz is bcuz I love reading magazines myself lar...

Dunno lar~

Oh anyways, I was even thinking abt if I turn SUPER kind in life I might want to take out my BIO again and go set-up a free medical facility in remote villages, preferably in my own hometown lar HAHAHA~Provided I have the MONEY. ^.^

ULTIMATELY opening a bookshop seems really cool to me.

I mean my goal is to earn money enough to buy all the things I want to buy, with some excess. I'm not say intending to earn a WHOLE LOT so that my kids can live in luxury?... They want a good life??? --- EARN it yourself. That's the way I SEE things alright. If I have a kid who expects me to satisfy each and every of his or her needs, he or she can jolly well get the hell out for me~bWaHaHa!!!

I mean, the thing is, you EARN your own things in life; instead of expecting some great luck to fall from the sky, HA!

Oh ya~Then recently so many people fall sick leh. Oh. My. God.
Luckily I'm 好人不长命,祸害遗千年 的 祸害 HAHAHA. I mean, that's also my way of SEEING things in life. Be a good guy? And you DIE earlier than everyone else. I mean, it MAKES sense what, cuz people who are kind-hearted will go around putting others before them and ending up endangering themselves. As for me, while I will not go around killing people, it's not in my blood to shower every amoeba in sight with love and concern too, I watch my own back, bWaHaHa!!!

Dunno lar. Then it seems as if pretty few people are coming down for break nowadays. It's like --- OH! MY! GOD! lor~For me, my 坚定的立场 is "再忙也要吃吃饭"... Having a test later on? --- OH HECK I can't survive on an empty stomach already... And the thing that I look forward to MOST everyday is none other than BREAKs... bWaHaHa!!!

I can't really see why people will enjoy staying in cls so much anyways~
It's like...? I love the outsides --- HA! And obviously my ULTIMATE MOTIVE is ---FOOD---!!!!! Heeheehee.

It's like, no matter what we do, ultimately all we want is to be happy right? And to me happiness means a full stomach and fresh air. Therefore I'm not going to forsake my happiness for some dumb schoolwork~bWaHaHa!!!

To me I really enjoy eating with people too, I mean in a way. And the people I meant are those who make me feel comfortable even in silence, bWaHaHa.

I mean, I think I've heard somewhere that for eg. Dinner times are the best contact times... And things like people act MOST themselves when they are doing something like eating hahaha. Dunno leh. HOHOHO I just love that way of eating lar~

Dunno leh. To me it's always HARD to resist going out EVEN when say for eg. you're going out only to eat with someone... I mean I guess most people would find it... Er, boring? But to me it's like I just like that RELAXED and very SLACKY atmosphere... YEPYEPS.

What's more if the conversation was like those... Wah... Ones, in a way eating out really RECHARGES me bWaHaHa.

I mean, to me, enjoying life starts from the BASICS... (:


I was like... Been watching all those concerts I have daily...? And never quite got tired of them...?

It's like --- OMG lor --- HEBE really rocks.完全被她的歌声征服了耶~~~天籁啊天籁!!!连 Ella 自己都有说 Hebe 是她的偶像呢... HAHAHA!!!

到目前为止我的人生里最爱的歌还是 我爱你.真的超爱抒情摇滚的啦!!!

"我爱你 我想去 未知的---任何命运"

天啊!!! AIYO whatever lar.

再忙也要和 S.H.E---

"哪里都一起去 一起仰望星星
一起走出森林 一起寻找回忆
一起误会妒嫉 一起雨过天晴
一起更懂自己 一起找到意义


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