Friday, January 21, 2005

Omg! I missed my XIAO LIANLIAN again yesterday because I was like, went to buy PS2 games.

I got Suikoden IV & Shadow Hearts: Covenant...

Suikoden IV SUCKS lor. I should have trusted the reviews, AH AH AH!!!
The game graphic was lousy, the cut-scenes were sluggish, the battle system was stupid. All right. And so on and so forth.

But SHADOW HEARTS: COVENANT does rock! It's like the "preview animation" already SO --- Cool le. Then the first in-game movie - WAHZ. The ATMOSPHERE was well-depicted and the clarity and "realistic-ness" of the movie was just great. It does make me feel suspenseful lor. Then all that camera angles. WAH WAH WAH.

And the cut-scenes were well-layed out too. (: The only complain I have is the JUDGEMENT RING battle system. So hard lor. My characters were always like on the verge of dying. Luckily I MANAGED to get the hang of it eventually.

You know the thing is that, during the cut-scenes right, the character animations were very fluid lor! You see their eyes moving, their fringe swinging in the air, etc. etc... Now that's what I call cool.

Anyways, then this game was suppose to be abt all that demonic manifestion on Earth during World War I and all that and that was what stopped me from playing at first, actually - SCARED. :$ There's this other VAMPIRE game that I wanted to play too, but then once I learnt that one of the missions involved checking out a HAUNTED house, I was like OMG I'm NOT going to play that...

Anyways, SHADOW HEARTS is cool~

I'm saving up for PRINCE of PERSIA & Star Ocean (or MAY want to trade with DA ZUI BA) & etc. later on.....

Whatever lar~I realise that I love my RPGs with a lot of TOTALLY-cool cut-scenes nowadays lor. Even since playing KINGDOM HEARTS. The graphics in KINGDOM HEARTS was like super cool super cartoon super disney lor!

I mean, due to the very fact that cut-scenes play out the plot and all that, and it's like WAH WAH WAH.

And as for batte-systems wise, I prefer action ones as in hack'n'slash now... Grew out of turn-based combats le I guess~Again Kingdom Hearts has this really cool battle system HAHAZ.....

Whatever lar.
It felt like an awfully long week. And then it's gone in a "PUFF!" HAHAHA.
Oh ya, know what, LAST Thursday. The four of us from DL was like, in a SNEAKY mission.
We wanted to go to PARKWAY to eat. Then we had to leave early. Therefore we were like talking with the RELIEF TEACHER. "Plz teacher..." "You're so beautiful" etc. etc.
Then she was like, even throwing suggestions at us - As to, just say you're going to the toilet... Just say that the teacher sent you out for a walk (oh that's lame she said to herself)... Eventually she said that if we all got into trouble, just say that it's she... Blah blah blah.

Whatever lar. Then we went out. Stealthily. In the end everything was a breeze I'd say. I mean then and we were trying to contemplate "What to do if a teacher sees us?..." Etc. etc. For me I can't really think of anything, and I always go-by the tactic of 随机应变... Can't really say at that mmt in time I was feeling scared, I mean, NOT at all, it just felt like an adventure to me. To satisfy my hungry stomach HAHAHA!

I mean, the thing is that, it's not like I care abt school rules THAT much, and it's not like I like to go around DELIBRATELY breaking school rules THAT much, most of the time I have my own rules and I always do what I want to do and I feel is no big deal regardless of other things. And most of the time when I know what I'm doing conflicts with rules and all that I just go ahead anyway, with the "knowing" in me that it'll be my own fault if I do run into trouble. But I'm ok with that, I mean? Because it's like I know it's wrong, but I just GO AHEAD anyways, cuz I WANT TO do it, so if I'm punished I'll be like, ok this is my own fault.

Anyways then we got out peacefully lar~

Anyways, it's like recently Lim Leong was been "brain-washing" us, telling us how we could get GURANTEED A1s with Combining Science or whatsoever lor.

But no matter how tempting her offer is, inside my head I'll be like: What's the use of getting an A1 with neighbourhood students while in the end, you're still like on the bottom as compared to those taking Pure ones, I mean?

I dunno. Personally I just never ever thought of dropping or combining. I've come this far for goodness' sake. And I just dunno why we have to strategize and plan out like it's the MARKS that matters ultimately lor... I mean it is TRUE. But my way of dealing with exams has always been like, when the time comes, the time comes. Instead of going around trying to decide which subjects I'm weaker at etc.

I dunno. And due to the fact that I don't know what to work on, I'll just have to keep my options open and make sure I'm eligible for Maths & Science streams lor... OH. Anyways I also don't see why we haveto get into a DAMN good JC too. I don't want all that STRESS from a bunch of studies-worked-up people, I mean.

Dunno lar. It's like, while one could have made one's life much easier by dropping or combining. To me I just feel like it's abt time I should STRETCH myself instead of just lazing around... Sec 4 le leh. And it's like in years I'll be working soon. Therefore I'll have to be the BEST that I can be.....

And on the other hand, tuition seems really tempting too.
When they gurantee you jumping grades as well. But then and again, I didn't even REALLY monitor myself strictly and go all out yet. I think it's like, if I do my best le I'm still like dying *THEN* I would really need tuition lor. Otherwise I would rather spend the money on PS2 games for eg... XD bWaHaHa!!!

But frankly I can't believe how much of a tuition-craze Singapore is in lor~
I mean, it's like, do people go for tuitions for that *assurance* that they're doing something only...? And does they even help, at all? Etc. etc. lar~

Aiyo I want to go play my SHADOW HEARTS: COVENANT le. bWaHaHa.
OH MY GOD! It's like~~~I love RPGs that are cool cuz they blow me off reality! bWaHaHa!!!


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