Friday, January 21, 2005

Sky arh... SHADOW HEARTS: Covenant really very fun leh!
At first I was like, oh my god the characters such because they are like, not good-looking. But then after playing the game I'm like omg 他们好可爱哦!!!
It was the same case for STAR WARS: KOToR... Cuz such RPGs feature characters with PERSONALITY & STYLE that makes the ultimate factor for me liking them... TEEHEEHEE!!!

For eg. I really like that YURI guy! HA! He's so cute lor!
Because he's not the Typical-Your-Average-Neighbourhood-Hero one. He's a DEMON that saved the world, alright. As in, inside the game right, he's supposed to be this anti-hero guy who saved the world and all. And who can transform into a DEMON. Now that's what I call COOL.

Another male RPG character that I really like personality-wise was Ryudo from GRANDIA II. Cuz he's another not T-Y-A-N-H type..... Dunno why I just can't stand DECENT HEROES who are brimming with JUSTICE in RPGs. Instead, I like the male hero who loves to mock at others and would not hesitate to negate all consequences just to get somewhere - That is like so COOL! Hahaz.....

I love RPGs that feature this really distinct cast of characters who FEEL like they are alive. Instead of those Final Fantasy ones which makes me feel like they're made of paper... Even their dialogues are like oh so typical predictable etc. etc...

For eg. in Shadow Hearts right when Karin turned down the idea of going to some Mining site bcuz it's full of ghosts and all, Yuri said something like "Well if the ghosts come and get you I'll scare them for you! Boo!" Omg! While a FF-male would most probably say something like "We have no other choice. Let's just do this. I'll protect you to the best of my ability." --- That is like so BORING.

Sky arh... SHADOW HEARTS *is* REALLY fun lor. ^.^

OMG!!! ^.^


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