Monday, February 14, 2005

我怀疑 80 % 都是 S.H.E 的歌啰.整个人有红到耶~天啊.
可是他们竟然没有 我爱你、Super Star、痛快、远方、etc...好烂哦.

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My current desktop. ^.^ Featuring: MOST beloved Bebe, bWaHaHa!!! XD~~~

天啊~让我来贴些很应景的照片吧!!! Hebe 粉墨登场~

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天啊~~~她在 奇幻乐园 的表现真的是超拉风的啦!!!完全的实力偶像派~

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好可爱的表情哦~HEHEHE. ^.^
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我整个人真的很想听新专辑了啦. :(
My ideal is that:年头有 S.H.E 专辑~年中再来一张.然后是年尾.一年出三张.听到我耳朵冒泡也在所不惜~~~ :P 基本上就是多多益善、永远听不完、永远爱不够!!! :P

哦对了!今天有人来学校演出耶... It's like, before that I was complaining: I'm just so amazed that this school ALWAYS manages to find new ways to bore us to death with assembly... I've been attending assembly for countless years and EVERYTIME, w. out fail, I get BORE to death~~~Oh! My GOD!!!

然后他们演出 Jazz... Sky arh. Personally I'm a VERY receptive and open-minded person. But there are always certain stuffs that are WAY BEYOND my acceptance unless I've got nuts --- JAZZ is one of them. OMG JAZZ SUCKS lor~~~This comes from the bottom of my heart.

Basically I HATE songs with no melody, no 高低起伏 lor (Uh for eg. 河滨公园 though the fact that it's S.H.E-sung made it much less detestable. Oh, I really hate 落大雨 at times too... Etc. etc.)... Then JAZZ *IS* those genre of music that makes you fall asleep. If I REALLY want to commit suicide one day I'll do it by listening to Jazz on and on... That'd kill me, literally. [Well, if S.H.E decides to sing JAZZ one day, I'll make them an exception lar, that is... :P]]

But some of the pieces they play ARE nice. Those with MELODY, come on, for eg. Twinkle Twinkle Lil Star. As for the rest? GOD KILL me, I can't remember a puny fragment of the music AT ALL, I barely remembered that some beats were nice, that's ALL.

I cannot tahan songs with really forgetable melodies lor~They suck! OMG!!!

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HMMsie. Whatever lar. I really cannot tahan JAZZ lor~
Omg it's like last time I used to find ROCK really noisy. But then I fell in love with it eventually too... But I can NEVER imagine myself listening to JAZZ. NEVER EVER in my life, as long as I'm SANE. [Or unless it's S.H.E-sung, like I said. (:]]

Whatever lar. Here's a list of things I wanna buy:

BEST Of SOUL --- BoA's Best Collections Album. With 11 MV DVDs (That's what made me wanna buy... HEEHEEHEE.)! Anyways, I also heard this song by BoA & SOUL'd Out (some Jap rapper or whatever)... Lalala Love Song... It's DAMN nice! I really super 佩服 her also leh! HEEHEEHEE!!!!! She's really like the MOST 实力派 singer I know lor. She's not pop. from 14-18 (now) ACROSS Asia for no reason, she is HELL talented. I really wasn't entirely interested in her last time leh~But then after I watch her live performances, concerts, all the awards she's got... Etc... I'm like OMG this is what you call a SUPER * STAR. Of all those singers I've heard, I think she's like THE ONE who is meant to be in this line from birth sort of thing lor. Cuz she's just made for the stage! :D
ENCORE DVD --- Ya... Still haven't buy it yet... :((
Star Wars: KoTOR 2 & other PS2 Games too........
Twins 的 Chinese album~ :P


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