Monday, February 14, 2005

Something to think abt~HAHAHA. TAIWAN stuff lar. :$
HEEHEEHEE. I don't know~For me I guess I belong to those really cold-blooded people who don't feel a pinch abt most things... Rather than emphathizing, I would cast my emotions aside and analyse the situation logically and sensibly first... HEEHEEHEE. This is what the Singapore education has moulded me into, in a way, SCIENTIFIC --- Facts first. :P

Anyways, it's like... You can't deny the fact that the wealth distribution in this world is like SHIT. A whole load of shit. Basically let's just say that poverty IS a vicious cycle...

I mean, for me I always dismiss Communism as an idealist thought.
But the other day when Ng Ah Kay told us that you have KIDS going at 50 cents for *a night* elsewhere... And they HAVE to do it, ALL their life, if they wanna survive.
Well, then for tt mmt it did occur to me why COMMUNISM would be so sought after by many people, those living under some sort of system whereby farmers will always be farmers...

I mean. Ok the govt. can give everyone a chance to succeed here in Singapore.
But elsewhere, it's like the people don't even have enough to eat for goodness' sake. Talk abt success and help. While most of us can go from hawker centre to MacDonalds' to Marche etc. etc. they can't even have a piece of bread for goodness' sake.

Oh! My God. I don't know lar.

It is terrible suffering to be alive on this Earth - Oh man!
Alright, maybe we live to redeem ourselves cuz all humans are sinned. Blah blah blah.
But does those people really really deserve to live like that, I mean?..... We are all humans, with all our organs in place and everything, yet everyone is so diff. too... DUH~

DARNOE lar. :

Lemme end in HEBE rocks, anyways. :P


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