Thursday, February 10, 2005

Omnipotent (all-powerful, able to do anything) --- Well, I don't believe in this. Too much videogames and greekmythology influence lar...
Omnibenevolent (all-loving) --- YES. Gods must be ALL-LOVING.
Omniscient (all-knowing) --- They have to.
The Creator (of all that exists) --- Because Gods are always the explanation, the reason for how this world come abt.
The Sustainer (if God ceased to exist, so would everything else) --- I don't believe in this. Alright, if there really is a God and he ceases to exist, I believe the world will still go on, in ultimate chaos bcuz you have no Higher Being around to maintain the situation, duh.
Perfectly Free --- ???
Eternally Existing (will go on and on and on...) --- Gods give me such an idea that they are very like... 老不死... HAHAHA!
A Personal God (a being with whom one can have a personal relationship) --- Uh crap.
All this terms are making my head go off-wire...

The Metaphysical Engineers Report

Our modelling is designed to answer two questions about the conception of God which you offered.

(1) Is the conception of God consistent with itself?
(2) Is the conception of God consistent with the universe that we live in?
(These 2 questions make sense. :P Reality check. Possibility check. Check check check. Logical reasoning, analysis --- That's all I believe in.)

The first question asks whether the conception makes sense. For example, a triangle with four sides is a conception which is not consistent with itself, since a triangle has three sides. A triangle with four sides is, in fact, a four-sided three-sided object, which is simply a contradiction in terms. In this sense, the conception is not consistent with itself. (Ok I think I understood this part. A triangle cannot have four sides. Check. But my understanding cannot go beyond to how this would effect our understanding of God... Yet.)

If a conception is consistent with itself, this does not necessarily mean that it refers to something which actually exists. For example, the idea of a six hundred foot monster that lives in liquid steel is not inconsistent. But such a creature does not exist in our world. The second question therefore asks whether your conception of God is consistent with the universe as we understand it. (Think Science...)

The metaphysical engineers should explain that any problems they report may reveal one of two things. Some problems may simply reflect their inability to resolve apparent problems. In this sense, the difficulties are a product of their lack of knowledge or understanding. Others may be deeper problems, so fundamental that no amount of increased understanding can resolve them. It is for you to decide which problems fall into which category.

The Report
Plausibility Quotient
Plausibility Quotient = 0.9
The metaphysical engineers have determined that your conception of God has a plausibility quotient (PQ) of 0.9. A PQ of 1.0 means that as far as the metaphysical engineers can determine your conception of God is internally consistent and consistent with the universe that we live in (OH! That means I'm very LOGICAL. :P). A PQ of 0.0 means that it is neither internally consistent nor consistent with our universe. More than likely, your PQ score will be somewhere between these two figures. But remember that this is your PQ score as determined by the metaphysical engineers. The editors of TPM have no control over their deliberations, so don't blame us!
For eternity?
The metaphysical engineers request clarification of what you mean when you say God exists eternally.
You may mean that God exists through all space and time. But according to our best physics, space and time exist only within the confines of a universe. This would seem to constrain God's existence to within a universe.
You could mean that God exists "outside" space and time. But the metaphysical engineers find it hard to understand what you mean by "eternally", if that's the case. Doesn't the concept "eternally" require some notion of time to make sense? The metaphysical engineers are still puzzling over these issues.

(Anyways, if we are talking abt beyond Science... And if we are talking abt my real perception of Gods, I think they are suppose to surpass Science. They HAVE to, I mean --- Come on. Science is OUR understanding of the world, this Universe. Gods are suppose to be beyond that, alright. As for "eternity", I think it is something like Newton's 1st Law, er, as in, you know that crap abt something moving will keep on moving when there is like no friction or whatever... So eternity is a concept that surpasses space & time, well, yeah. HAHAHA.)
What kind of God is that!?
The metaphysical engineers are happy to report that, to the best of their knowledge, the God you conceive is internally consistent and could exist in our universe. But they are less sure that what you have described deserves the name of God. She is not, for example, all-powerful. A God which knows everything or is totally benign may be a wonderful ideal, but is she really a God unless she has ultimate power?

We suspect that your God is not the traditional God of the Christian, Jewish or Muslim faiths.
(Uh, like I said... Too much videogames and stories. You always have those heroes chasing after the God who suddenly decides to destroy the world bcuz He is so oh-disappointed with the humans blah blah blah...)
That is the end of the metaphysical engineers' report. As we said at the beginning, we are not sure that the problems they identify are insuperable. But we do hope that by thinking about them you may come to understand what you mean by God more deeply, and perhaps even revise your former beliefs.

So what do I believe by God?
Well, bcuz I'm not a religious person, what I understand of God, as far as possible, is my own perception.

My idea is that GOD is an image created by humans as a source of all living, and all that, and a pillar of strength, belief, faith... Etc..... And since my understanding does not include all-powerful... Blah blah blah... We are Gods of our own, by drawning on our inner strength, blah blah blah..... Anyways, the idea is that, when you believe in yourself, god-damn right you can make wonderful things as well! And as for all-existing... Well, in a way, the human spirit is eternal, HA!

Idealogically speaking, I would even say that the very idea of a God is like a concept, anything we worship, or whatever...

I don't know lar. It's too abstract for me to talk abt it logically.
Oh man, I think I really am starting to get very logical, reasoning and analystic (?) abt things lor. I demand order, pattern, consistency, blahblahblah.


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