Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Anyways, what happened yesterday was - Went to sch for the dumb old yearly same old thing celebration.

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Anyways I find the arrangements and the hosting and all that rather, er, no comments lar.


And after that thing I went back cls to get Bio results...
Was expecting Miss Teo to shout at us and drive all the New Year mood away, luckily she didn't.
Anyways I got D7. I HATE plants lor. It's like. Uptill now I don't have the slightest idea how the hell does a water hydrilla or water hyacinth or whatever looked like. I really HATE it in Pri. Sch. when we had to learn all that shit abt submerged, partially submerged etc. etc. also lor..... I was like OMG why will I want to bother myself with silly puny pathetic greeneries lidat?

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Oh... Then we had to wait for peeps. So meanwhile we kept ourselves bus by "admiring the scenery..." HAHAHAAA...

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FINALLY there was 149...

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But still, where is the rest!?

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Then we took a bus to Suntec...

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Oh no, be very terrified that you have a ghostly figure behind.
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And it's like isn't this disgusting...? HAHAZ...
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In the end we went to KTV... Frankly speaking I was more *FOR* Constantine leh.
But nvm anyways. I'm just so nice and not very strongly-opinionated HAHAHA. But then it's like still no new S.H.E songs!? Then it's like "dot dot dot". :(

I was wanting to put down ALL the titles from ENCORE in one go! Basically that's why we peeps, I'm referring to the group of people with taste, for eg. ME, have been LOOKING FORWARD TO, ANTICIPATING, DYING TO DO for a really long time running le.

Anyways, therefore meanwhile we kept ourselves occupied with Wo Ai Ni, Tong Kuai & Super Star... And loads of others. Basically I would stand up and sing and be really excited at any S.H.E song.

Oh. Then I would be doing *this* when it comes to other singers' songs... HAHAHA.

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Then it's like the lighting so got atmosphere I TOTALLY feel like I can fall asleep when the others were singing er, OTHER songs lor. HAHAHA.

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Can't help it, I just love S.H.E too much. Simply can't bring myself to get EXCITED, at all, when there's other singers on the screen... HAHAHA........ I mean, I'm not even InTeReStEd. Oops. I'm just borne with a strong tendency to be really BIASED abt things, HAHAZ.

Therefore it's like, as long as there's no S.H.E on the screen, I would just be slouching and giving a dead daze, lifeless and still, YAWNING HAHAHA!!! Well. It's not like I hate other singers or something, but it's just so sad that only S.H.E can wake my nerves up, HAHAHA!我整个人就是天生偏心~譬如别人做作装可爱我会觉得他们恶心.可是 Hebe 那么 "做作""变态""装可爱"而且极骚 在我看来就是可爱~哈哈哈!!!然后别人 attitude 很拽 我会觉得他们很欠扁~可是表现在 Hebe 身上就会变成有个性、很酷了,哈哈哈!!!

Anyways... So broke lor. Therefore I've decided le. No more KTV-ing, TOTALLY, until ALL S.H.E songs are available, preferable the clips from QI HUAN LE YUAN as well...? If possible. ^.^

Anyways, then after the KTV yesterday, my voice actually did feel a lil bit like it's getting pretty hoarse, HAHAHA.进而导致我觉得我整个人的声音很有磁性~HAHAHA!!!

Anyways, I just saw S.H.E on TV just now.
And afterwards I watched their DVD again~

Then hor, I just watched the TW's New Year Eve programme. Very funny lor!
I watched it for Twins and they were like really cute~Then afterwards I watched on somemore lar..... It was Wan Quan Yu Le. Sky arh. I really prefer TW's hosting and all that lor. :P

Whatever lar.


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