Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Sky arh! I just realized --- One of my favourite games --- Is OUT (on PC)!!!
Star Wars: Knights of The Old Republic II The Sith Lords is out! Omg~~~Then the player rating for the game is like 9.6/10 OK!? (BTW Shadow Hearts: Covenant is 9.4/10, Kingdom Hearts 9.1/10)

Anyways~I think people who are still playing, say, ONLY Final Fantasy now is very out-dated lor. :P It's like...??? HEEHEEHEE.

Sky arh. I haven't been playing Shadow Hearts: Covenant for 2 days running le lar! ><>.< 好空虚哦~~~

WHATEVER lar. I don't care if it's 过年 or whatever, I don't care abt festivals ALL along anyway, as long as it's a holiday --- It means, TIME for GAMING WHOLE-DAY Long and playing comp. into AM!

Basically that's really how I utilise my time during weekends and holidays, it's ALL playing (er, contrary to playing A BIT on normal week-days). And it would be none other than suicide if I can't use ALL my time for playing on these days... Because I would feel hopelessly depressed and irritable if I don't. :( Well. My life is simple. I don't bother abt anything else besides eating, playing and sleeping; And nothing else besides this bothers me. Most of the time for anytime besides this 3, I'll feel like OMG what the hell does this have to do with me? It's not like I can die over thing thing... Or whatsoever. Basically my 3 most basic and impt. needs in life is EATING, SLEEPING & PLAYING. Therefore 我的人生坚持 永远都是 --- 再忙也要睡到自然醒(这样才会有动力打拼)!!!再忙也要慢吞吞地吃饭(做人活着就是要享受!)!!!再忙(只要不是重要如 streaming)也要打电动玩电脑!!!本人就算是人生忙到了一种极致的状态还是会有所坚持的,因为如果肚子不饱着,我就会觉得很痛苦~睡眠不足很疲困,我会很想死~没得玩,我会觉得活得很没有动力...不过我常常会因为玩乐而耽误了时间导致睡眠不足到了学校就整个人很想自杀~~~ :(

天啊.我觉得我是彻头彻底的 享受自己、玩乐 主义者. ^.^

Oh ya it's like this Monday after Assembly right, Da Zui Ba asked us if we wanna go Katong Laksa. Well, my usual answer would be say, "我不知道~~~" (tune to 我无所谓)... But that day I did an 欠扁 thing... XD I was like doing this:

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in addition to "我不知道~~~" HAHAHA!

Then it's like inside the MRT right, before he left, he said good-bye to me and Gordon. Then he was like "BYE BYE" "BYE BYE" and I was like, not even looking at him and not bothering abt him? Then after he left Gordon said that he said bye for 3 times and was completely ignored, then I was like LOL lor, HAHAZ...

Oh man I really cannot tahan him, it's like.

Anyways, at the mmt I'm TOTALLY in love with HEBE! She's like so SUPER cool lor! XD 天啊!!!奇幻乐园真的太赞了.哦~我在她的歌声里沉醉了~~~实话实说,我觉得我喜欢那些很欠扁的歌手... ^.^ Hebe 有多欠扁我不想多说~可是她欠扁得我很喜欢耶.不过像白痴那种欠扁是完全让我血液沸腾很想冲下去狠狠给她一刀的欠扁因为我看了就讨厌 Hahaha!!! ^.^

Oh my god... Why do I just love to jump abt when talking abt things...?


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