Thursday, February 10, 2005

WELL. I can't be more PISSED, that's all I can say.
Blah blah blah, you cannot play bcuz your cousins are coming to visit.
It's like WADDAHELL does that have to do with me? Their parents suck and therefore they get distracted when I play and so I CANNOT play my PS2.

OH MAN this totally makes me feel like murdering someone, ANYONE.
Why don't they just choke on their food and cough until they feel like coming here no more!? I almost feel like rushing into the kitchen and pouring CONCENTRATED hydrochloric acid or whatever into the food now, in fact. GRRRRR... I don't think I need to elaborate on how much I DETEST, or probably HATE would be a more appropriate word, their visit.

It's not like I hate my cousins or something, it is those DAMN adults. Oh God forgive me for cursing and swearing but I just can't help but be childish and HATE them so much. I'm like... VERY OOXX-ingly pissed, ALRIGHT. I don't care if it's New Year or whatever STUPID IDIOTIC holiday it is, all I CARE abt is having the time to PLAY and I CAN'T!!!!!...

OMG!!!!!!!! I am FURIOUS. ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
They make me so... OOXXing MAD, it's like!?...

AARGH! WHATEVER. I'm not going sch tml. Hmmph!


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