Thursday, February 24, 2005

Wow... I was so GOD DAMN beat last night!
Like I said, came home late. 8 something. And I had to see the doc.
When I'm back, played around... And took my medication...
And the next thing I know I was OVERWHELMED by fatigue, tiredness... Etc. etc.

I REALLY never ever felt THAT sleepy all my life lor.
In the end I simply kept all my stuff and went to bed...

The next day I had to go around copying and learning for my test last minute...
And well, fact is I don't even feel restored the next morning, in fact I was feeling REALLY dead and pissed etc. etc... Among the top things that REALLY makes me pissed and irritated and annoyed is - LACK of sleep and therefore feeling sleepy. That SUCKS big time lor, MY GOD!

Anyways, HOHOHO, the only topic that got me "actively" talking the entire day (at least for the morning) was my beloved BoA~
She TOPPED WORLD CHARTS b4 lor. As in, there's this site that tracks record sales from Europe, America, Japan, Malaysia and all that...

And BoA ACTUALLY topped it once. I mean that is like so INCREDIBLE already, alright.
Beating Eminem and Green Day and all that.
If I don't remember wrongly... I saw somewhere b4 that BoA is also like ranked among one of the world's top 10+ singer or whatever... In terms of income/ album sales, if I'm not wrong? Parring with Christina Aguilera or, EVEN beating her if my memory does not fail me.

I REALLY think she's so TOTALLY cool lor! MY GOD!
In fact all those peeps that I like ROCKS! Bcuz they are all hopelessly popular one. HAHAHA. Well, I only like stars who are IMMENSELY POPULAR & THE LATEST & CUTE & GOOD-LOOKING... :P


Aiyo whatever lar. BoA rocks. (:
Best of Soul - This is like one album you SHOULD die to buy.


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