Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Uh... Anyways, did I say what I did over the weekends?

---Well. I watched Eternal Sunsine of The Spotless Mind. Pretty cool film. With quite a bit of vulgarities and 'sexuality', but nvm, I'm a BIO student. :P

---And I watched the first episode to FULL HOUSE 浪漫满屋. Heard it's REAL good when shown in Korea. Main cast by Song Hyekyo and this very famous singer in Korea, Rain. And it is those sort of 'multinational' corporations thing I guess. The first episode itself took place in Shanghai (OMG that's where I wanna be. Modern and yet close to home. (: ). It's pretty funny lar. It would be perfect if the guy inside was actually... WON BIN. I only want my Xiao Bin Bin, HAHAHA! :P

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Alright. And I watched a whole 4+ episodes of Chinese Paladin (just found out the English name). Meaning a total of over 160+ minutes. All the way till the ending. Kk lar. I just love the soundtrack quite a lot. (: And 唐钰小宝, HOHOHO!

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Anyways. I think he has this REALLY long face (probably the LONGEST I've ever seen) and a REALLY small mouth (probably the smallest I've ever seen). Yet he looks still so cute, HAHAHA! XD And 180+. :} I think he is probably the only guy that I've seen that DOES suit long-hair lor. :P

Well. That's how I s l a c k e d.
And now it's all - RUSH HOUR!
What a perfect lifestyle for the perfect slacker.

But, really.
If I have to take my O'lvls like this.
First thing I would rather do,
take a plunge into Chung Cheng lake.

Then I was just done with going thru' the HCL textbook...
For the first time.
I'll have to tackle E Maths.
For the first time...
Esp.ly vectors...
Let's just say I know nothing but the basics...
Of simple addition and subtraction...

That's all for now.


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