Saturday, March 05, 2005

Hey! I'm just done watching Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind...
I think it's great. (: I mean, I just like that 'ideal' abt it and all.
Duh~I just have the tendency to be entranced by movies that deals with love in an idealistic manner, teeheehee. ^.^

I mean, those average teenage romances really bore me.

:P Hmmsie. Whatever lar. I think it is one nice film. (:
And Kate Winslet was cool! (Jim Carrey pure ugly... I wished it was Won Bin instead HAHAHA.)... Anyways, she kept on reminding me of Keira Knightley and I kept on thinking the two of them looked alike.

Oh whatever.

This is one nice film lar. :P


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