Wednesday, October 27, 2004


Anyways, I'll just add-in that I really love my own hands! HA!

The whole song is VERY TONG4 KUAI4 lor. LOVE IT!!! At first I thought it's another SUPER STAR-styled song, with HEBE yelling again, AS USUAL. Add that to this being a SONG for their endorsement for an online RPG (CHEENA wu3 xia2 type the)... It's SUPER CATCHY!!! I only heard the chorus once and I REMEMBERED all of it!!! OMG!!! Simply love this song~The lyrics very fu2 he2 my xin1 yi4 too!!! In a way I can say this song is ONE of my many theme songs for life...?

You know, stuff like ENJOYING every mmt to the fullest; "Sheng1 ming4 gei3 le1 shen3 me2, wo3 jiu4 xiang3 shou4 shen3 me1..." <--- This rocks! WHATEVER life gives me or turns out to be, just ENJOY~!~!~!~~~bWaHaHa!!! Love this song man!~

And ya, I simply agree that ALL THE THINGS that has happened, enrich your memories. Like I've ALWAYS said, everything in life is a METAPHOR (or like that book said), eventually you LEARN through them, and through them, BROADEN yourself and all that stuff. And that's all... The rest is simply like what the chorus of this song SAYS... Oh man I love this song lor~!~!~!~~~

Have a super strong feeling I'm going to LOVE Hebe's vocals in this song too! Though I ALREADY love her vocals in EVERY SINGLE song, bWaHaHa!!! Anyways, then there's all those LOUDness... WOAH!!! XD~~~

Anyways then the 2nd ONLINE RPG they're endorsing is like, ADAPTED from one of my fave sword-fighting novels lor! By Gu3 Long2... Xin1 Jue2 Dai4 Shuang1 Jiao!!! bWaHaHa!!! So COOL~~~Think I'm going to RUSH DOWN to pre-order their album some day. (: I'm BROKE, but still, S.H.E album is a MUST.

Really love this fast song lor... OMG~~~Fast songs get me really hyped-up~~~While SLOW songs on the other hand, are those songs that I keep listening to...

Wahz~Simply love this song SO VERY VERY MUCH so far. Although UPTILL NOW, I've only heard 23 secs of it over and over again... Because it was supposed to be recorded from that commercial. I shall post photos of their... Endorsement of this online RPG. ^.^ =.=

FRANKLY speaking, I think they look REALLY muddy lidat... =.= >.< Hahaha... I figured they could have looked MUCH BETTER in gu3 zhuang1 lor... Well, you-know-who HAHAHA. (Not Voldemort). :P Anyways they still rock! Simply love "TONG4 KUAI4"... OMG OMG... Can't wait for 12.11!!!


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