Sunday, November 14, 2004

3rd day...

Into ***ENCORE***... And it remains to be playing OVER & OVER AGAIN, thru' out the day on my comp... ^.^

OMG~~~Simply love the song "WO3 AI4 NI3" lor!!! SUPER nice!!!!!! 完美到一种极致的状态了... Feel like writing something abt this song. HMMS. I'll see. (: Jay Chou's compositions are like er2 ge1s compared to this one, TOTALLY. I 100% feel that way. Ku4 bi4 le!!! Anyways I think it's S.H.E's 3rd zhu3 da3... Hope I'll get bombarded with it wherever I go in Singapore! (Though I still think Taiwan most xing4 fu2 HAIZ... Every 100m and you see one HUGE S.H.E poster that sort of thing, ku4 si3 le!!! If only I ACTUALLY went to TW last time, but then for a China-borne Chinese, it's a RATHER sensitive place, isn't it...? AIYO~~~)

"The demographic of S.H.E fans in Singapore seems to be growing, even caucasians also bought their kids along. If you also thought that S.H.E only attracts Chinese teens, you are wrong. They do also attract Malay and Indian fans, even Caucasians as well.

Last night, there was an heartwarming moment. A young Caucasian couple, bought along their 2 year old kid to que up in the crowd. This is because the couple was S.H.E fans, and wanted to shake hands with them as well and a hug. S.H.E upon seeing their fans seem to be from all races, were delighted to see this. S.H.E also teased the 2 year old kid on stage, and would probably have secretly bought the kid home if they could.

S.H.E truly symbolise that music and love knows no boundaries, languages or different races."

Note: That sentence in bold is another cool statement. :P

I'm definitely EXPECTING a lot more S.H.E's 8th album after <>... HAHAHA... Aiyo just get Sweetbox to make their ENTIRE album next time round lar... That'd be PERFECT. TOTALLY. I dun even like Re Dai Yu Lin (now, after listening to so much more better songs), He Bing Gong Yuan (never liked this) & Luo Da Yu lor... Hou4 Niao3 wasn't too bad though, but I feel that the MUSICAL ARRANGEMENT must have given it a face-lift and of cuz, S.H.E's singing. (:


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