Friday, November 12, 2004


That's totally what I feel at the mmt... As I WALKED back... Listening to "WO AI NI" --- I Love You, a confession song from S.H.E to me (I think HAHAHA)... ^.^

I was practically TOUCHED. TOTALLY. WAHZ. I really felt this TINGLING sensation lor. My nerves transmitting this really pleasant feeling. Some sort of WAVEY-substance discharged into my bloodstream... WOAH.

It's like WOAH. Your EARS are worth NOTHING if you haven't heard this album.
I do think this is their BEST so far. 11/10!!! OMG~~~~~
If you haven't buy this album then you haven't been using your money WISELY...
If you don't like this album then you DESERVED to be despised...

REALLY rocks lor... OMG... It's like even if I'm not a S.H.E fan I would also love this album to bits and pieces and get crazy over S.H.E that sort of album.

SKY arh~~~~~SUPER nice... Now I know S.H.E is not being wu2 chi3 when they say they listen to this album repeatedly and never got tired of it... It rocks ok.

I shall go on abt today's trip later on. MEANWHILE...

I'm IN HEAVEN with ENCORE~~~ (:


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