Saturday, November 13, 2004

Now that school is over, I'm feeling IN FACT, rather bored at home. WELL WELL WELL.
And it's like yesterday after listening to ENCORE, my first thought was: Be in school and GO ON AND ON abt how great S.H.E is... ^.^

AIYOYO~~~Dunno lar. NOTHING TO DO arh~~~Dun feel like touching schoolwork yet... HMMS.

Been listening to S.H.E songs all day... And I'm the LEAST bit tired of it... (:
TOTALLY love this album... The best I've ever heard, really. (: AIYOYO~~~But still I'm feeling bored at home. HMMSSSSS. Omg feel like eating MEE SUA suddenly... Been wanting to eat that for ages ever since I first ate it... ^.^


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