Thursday, November 11, 2004

Went to TAIWAN SMALL EAT last night too... And ONCE AGAIN --- I passed by...

Gordon was like exclaiming: Look at how fei1 yong1 DA ZUI BA is... XD... And I TOOK A LOOK at him and I'm like... HAHAHA!!!

If you CAN see, the one wearing black is HEBE, centre pink Selina, then Ella... Blah blah blah...


As blur as blur can be...

Taken after the handshaking to COMMENMORATE the HISTORICAL mmt... ^.^


Uh, I was TRYING to act cool here... But obviously I failed, HAHAHA!!! ANYWAYS, zhong4 dian3 is the HAND... Which S.H.E shook! HAHAHA!!! And it's like, I asked Gordon to take for me mah, then I reminded him "remind me when you can see my double chin..." HAHAHA!!! XD~~~Must take pre-cautions the...


This was taken while waiting... Can see the sky's getting dark le, heeheehee!!! WELL the thing is, whenever I'm taking photos there MUST be certain persons who are as wu2 chi3 as can be... >.<

While waiting when it was still early...

Taken on our way to the toilet... HAHAHA...

VICTORIOUS~!~!~!~~~ ^.^

Haiyo I really love taking photos... ^.^


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